Well now, you are visitor number since I started this page on 26th Nov. '98. Lucky you

This page was last modified on : 27th February '99

Elcbull2.gif (3779 bytes)

Shai'tans Webpage.

home of the evil one. tehe

Well, here we are, in the new and improved site. Welcome all you humble travellers from the web. Take a brief minute or two for respite, then trudge a bit more, around my site though!

    For those of you who have seen my site, this is finally the new and improved version, I am much happier now that I can type html and put gadgets in the site, such as the infamous webcounter. We can now see how popular my site REALLY is....all I had to go on before was the amount of emails which I received..which implied it wasn't that popular.

  1. Well, on with the show. I suppose you lot are all wondering what the hell this place is all about, but mind you, I should imagine you have a vague idea as it is, otherwise you wouldn't have found it in the first place......but just in case you succeeded, its mostly on Games Workshop, with a few bits and pieces of material on Computers and Consoles, Magic the Gathering, and for those of you that are really bored there is even a section telling you all about liddle ol' me....how interesting eh?

    Games Workshop Page

    Magic the Gathering

    PC & Console Games

    Info All About Me!!!!!!    

    Sign The Guestbook!!

    What's New on the Page???


You see I am already having fun with new graphics and buttons, etc. This is much better
Go on, have a rummage through the site...but first read this bit. It's important. Honest, it is. Please?

Ok then, I have always appreciated feedback from the site, so please mail me with any comments, criticisms, compliments, suggestions, solicitor's letters (hopefully not those at least) you may have, I will try to reply quickly to anything I receive. Ta. Much appreciated.

        Legal Garb : This is in no way an official site, just set up by a budding young computer blokey, if copyright laws are breached, faith in consumers destroyed, or any such occurring, I am very sorry, and will strive to correct it as soon as I am notified what I have done......oh btw, don't hold me responsible if viewing this site makes your monitor blow up, gives you a hell of a nasty virus (don't worry, I do screen things before I put them up here) that kills your computer outright, etc. It wasn't me !!!!

Click here to mail the Webmaster (tehe, that's a bit of a fancy word for it ain't it?)