Madison's Picture Page! |
Welcome to the Official Website of Madison LeighAnn Pope! All pictures were taken during our trip to Rockport and Corpus Christi on 5/21/05 and 5/22/05. This page has been updated as of 5/25/05! Enjoy! |
Here I am enjoying a snow cone at the Corpus Christi Hooks vs. the San Antonio Missions Game in Corpus! |
Here I am with my Daddy at the game! We sure had a good time! (Thanks Aunt Reagie for hooking us up with the tickets!) |
If you look real close, you might be able to see me playing in the play area in the park underneath the scoreboard with my Mom! (But I doubt it!) |
Hey! I am trying to take a nap here! No pictures please! Baseball watching sure is hard work! |
Look at me! I'm swimming in the ocean all by myself! |
Here I am at the beach in Rockport, getting ready to go for a swim! |
The day wouldn't be complete without a stop at my Papa's house in Victoria on the way back home and a quick romp in the sprinkler! |
Here I am building a sand castle on the beach! Look close, it's not very big! (Give me a break, I am just a beginner!) |