Madison's Picture Page!
Welcome to the Official Website of Madison LeighAnn Pope!  All pictures were taken during our trip to Rockport and Corpus Christi on 5/21/05 and 5/22/05.  This page has been updated as of 5/25/05!  Enjoy!
Here I am enjoying a snow cone at the Corpus Christi Hooks vs. the San Antonio Missions Game in Corpus! Here I am with my Daddy at the game!  We sure had a good time!  (Thanks Aunt Reagie for hooking us up with the tickets!)
If you look real close, you might be able to see me playing in the play area in the park underneath the scoreboard with my Mom!  (But I doubt it!) Hey!  I am trying to take a nap here!  No pictures please!  Baseball watching sure is hard work!
Look at me!  I'm swimming in the ocean all by myself!
Here I am at the beach in Rockport, getting ready to go for a swim!
The day wouldn't be complete without a stop at my Papa's house in Victoria on the way back home and a quick romp in the sprinkler!
Here I am building a sand castle on the beach!  Look close, it's not very big!  (Give me a break, I am just a beginner!)