Howdy Folks!!

Do you like jokes? I mean ALL jokes, even the stupid ones that you've heard a million times before? Well you've come to the right place.
Cuz, ya see, that's what Idiots, Inc. is all about! Jokes, jokes, and more jokes!
Now this ain't one of them mailin' lists where you get some kind of email every day with a joke or two in it, along with bunches of ads. We're not that entergetic, but we do have a club at Yahoo where you can go join and all we ask is that you're over 18, and ya have a good sense of humor!
You can post any kind of jokes you want, but please try and keep the profanity to a minimum. Some of us folks just don't like that kinda crap.
You can just click on this here little graphic and it'll take you to the place where you need to sign up.
We'd also like it if you'd take this little graphic with ya and stick it on your website, if ya got one, and link it back here so others might join us.

Idiots, Inc. Yahoo Club

We also have an Idiots, Inc. Webring, and we'd be honored if you'd join us. The only other requirement for the webring is that you have at least a webpage, otherwise, where would you put your webring fragment???
So if ya wanna join our webring, just click on this other graphic here, and it'll take ya to where ya can sign up.
Hope ya'll enjoy the jokes!

Idiots, Inc. Webring