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I have put together a collection of Star Trek Wav's and Midi's that I have found on the web. You can Preview the  files by "jumping" to a new page. Or you can just downloading them from here by "right clicking" and "save as".

JUMP Star Trek: The Original Series STTOS.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek: The Next Generation STTNG.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek: The Next Generation (variation) STTNG2.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek: Deep Space Nine STDS9.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (variation) STDS92.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek: Voyager STVOY.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek: Voyager (variation) STVOY2.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek: The Motion Picture ST1.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn ST2.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek III: The Search for Spock ST3.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home ST4.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ST6.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (variation) ST62.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek VII: Generations ST7.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek VIII: First Contact ST8.MIDI

JUMP Star Trek: TNG Episode "The Inner Light" (Click "JUMP" for episode recap) PICARD.MIDI

JUMP Data: "Abandon ship!!! This is not a drill" ABANDON.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: 7 of 9: "I will always be Borg!" ALWAZ.WAV

JUMP USS Enterprise Computer: "Auto destruct sequence armed" AUTODEST.WAV

JUMP USS Enterprise Computer: "Brain and brain, what is brain?" BRAIN.WAV

JUMP Captain Picard: "Get off my Bridge!!!" BRIDGE.WAV

JUMP USS Enterprise Computer: "Sound effects of computer padd" BRIDGE1.WAV

JUMP Data: "Are you able to cease thinking on command?" CEASE.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: 7 of 9: "Are you suggesting I create one of these holodeck programs?" CREATE.WAV

JUMP Captain Picard: "Energize" ENERGIZE.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: 7 of 9: "I do not enjoy this sensation, ..... I dont know what it is" ENJOY.WAV

JUMP Data (whispering): "Excellent" EXCELLENT.WAV

JUMP Captain Picard: "Computer freeze program!!" FREZPROG.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: 7 of 9: "Good night Captain" GDNIGHT.WAV

JUMP Dr. McCoy: "His brain is gone" HISBRAIN.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: 7 of 9: "Information" INFO.WAV

JUMP Captain Kirk answering comunicator hail: "Kirk here" KIRK.WAV

JUMP Captain Picard: "Lets see what this Galaxy Clas Starship can do.." LETSSEE.WAV

JUMP ST:Generations: Data singing about lifeforms: " tiny little lifeforms" LIFEFORMS.WAV

JUMP Captain Picard: "Make it so" MAKEITSO.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: 7 of 9: "I hope you don't mind that I activated this program" MIND.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: 7 of 9: "Perhaps I will" PRHAPS.WAV

JUMP Captain Picard: "Raise all shields...phasers at ready" PHASERS.WAV

JUMP Sound effects: "Sound of a photon torpedo being fired and exploding" PHOTON.WAV

JUMP Captain Picard: "This is Cpt. Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise" PICARD1.WAV

JUMP Captain Picard: "Yes I know that Data, but what could it be?" PICARD2.WAV

JUMP Captain Picard: "It's trying to communicate with us" PICARD3.WAV

JUMP Captain Picard: "Ensign....Engage" PICARD4.WAV

JUMP Captain Picard: "Door chime: Come!" PICARD5.WAV

JUMP Captain Picard: "Hailing frequencies.... (Worf) Open" PICARD6.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: 7 of 9: "Pleasure is irrelevant" PLEASURE.WAV

JUMP Captain Picard: "Proceed" PROCEED.WAV

JUMP ST:The Voyage Home: Scotty: "Hello Computer" SCOTTY.WAV

JUMP Enterprise Computer: "Security clearance level 3 or above is required to access files" SECURE.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: 7 of 9: "You wish to see me Ensign" SEE.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: 7 of 9: "Someday" SUMDAY.WAV

JUMP Worf: "I like my species the way it is!!" SPECIES.WAV

JUMP Spock: "Fascinating!!" SPOCK.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: 7 of 9: "Thank you" THANKU.WAV

JUMP ST:TOS Opening: Kirk: "To boldy go where no man has gone before...." TREK.WAV

JUMP Sound effect: "USS Enterprise-1701 door opening" TREKDOOR.WAV

JUMP Sound Effect: "USS Enterprise-1701 Tricorder sound" TRICORD.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: 7 of 9: "I am uncertain why these things are necessary" UNCERTAIN.WAV

JUMP Dr. McCoy: "Are you out of your Vulcan mind?" VULCAN.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: Harry Kim: "I hope you weren't ....regenerating"   7 of 9: "I was not" WASNOT.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: 7 of 9: "Why is that?" WHY.WAV

JUMP ST:TNG: Worf: "We are receiving no..................ahhhh shit" WORFOOPS.WAV

JUMP ST:VOY: 7 of 9: "Yes" YES.WAV

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