I was with Tina Spanks and some other woman who I can't remember anything about. We were doing something in a house somewhere, but I'm not exactly sure what our business was there. I remember goofing around with Tina as we went from room to room and at one point I picked her up with my hands and lifted her into the air. I carried her around for a while. I think she just kind of laughed like we were wrestling or something. Then we were outside in a car and we were going to drive away but then I had to go back in for some reason, but I can't remember why. It was like I forgot something and I had to go get it. I went into a room and I heard someone coming so I hid in the closet because I guess I didn't want to be seen. Into the room walked a little boy of about four years old, someone whom I have never seen before. He had short orangeish-red curly hair and had on a short-sleeved shirt and maybe shorts as well. The closet sliding door was ajar to the right so I was able to look out into the room. There was a phone on a small night stand table-like thing on the right of the room. On the far side of the room were some windows and I think there were some people out there doing something, like playing football or soccer, but I don't know for sure. Anyway, something happened, either I spoke or I made a sound, and the little boy saw me. We had some words but I don't know what we talked about. I remained in the closet, then his mom walked into the room, a woman whom I have never seen before. She had shoulder-length straight brown hair and looked about thirty-five and had a good figure. The little boy told her that there was someone in the closet, but I remained silent and the woman never saw me. I think she thought that the kid was just playing and there really wasn't anyone in the closet, but she humored him and held him in her lap as she crouched down and looked at the closet. It was dark in the closet so she couldn't see me. I kept my eyes closed, but once in a while I would open them and peer out from between the fingers on my hands, which I held to my face. I was thinking that she would see the whites or glimmer of my eyes if I opened them, but she didn't notice me. She continued to crouch and said something to the closet, as if she were pretending there really was someone inside there and she wanted to show her little boy that she was talking to him. Finally the two of them left the room after what seemed like five minutes. When they stepped out of the room, the phone on the end table rang. At this point, this dream became a nightmare. I knew that who or whatever was calling was a violent, evil thing and that it could kill people by them just answering the phone. Concerned for the woman and her little boy's safety, I reached out of the closet, picked up the receiver of the phone, then immediately hung it back up on its cradle, thus eliminating the chance of the woman answering the phone, perhaps in another part of the house, and getting killed. When I picked up the phone, I heard a deep raspy voice, which was the evil thing's voice. I can't remember what it said, but it was terrifying. After I hung up, the phone rang again but before I could get to it, very quickly I heard a sound in the other room where the mother and her son had gone. The sound was like something had fallen on the floor or was thrown against the wall. I didn't actually see it, but I knew that what had happened was that the mother had answered the phone and the evil thing on the other end had killed her and her son. At this point I woke up then went back to sleep after a few minutes.
2I was with some people from work. I remember seeing Miranda and Gladys. I had the feeling we were on a bus like a school bus, then we were in a classroom. As we were filing into the classroom to get into our little desks like the kind I sat in during elementary school, Gladys Strong walked by me and she caressed my cheek and chin with her right hand while looking at me lovingly, like she really liked me. She smiled slightly then walked on, I assume, to sit at her desk. I then remember sitting in a desk and facing the front of the classroom and I felt something poking me in the back on my right side about halfway down on my ribs. I turned around and saw it was Gladys. She sat in the desk behind me and she was poking me with the index finger on her right hand to get my attention. She said something like, "Talk to me later." I guess there was something she wanted to talk to me about. Later, I don't think we were in the classroom anymore, and Miranda was walking around boasting about how she liked certain women. I have never seen her talk like this before but I felt it was her true self revealed to me. She strutted around like a guy and even talked like a guy when she talked. She was really unattractive to me when she was like that. She finished talking by saying something like, "Yep, you've guessed it, I like young, single women."
3 I was at work in the shipping area. Chan Forgotta was there and he and I poked our heads around the corner of the wall there, looking into the next work area. I couldn't remember seeing anything on the other side, I just knew that we looked over there. Chan was in front of me and I looked over his shoulder as he peered around the corner. He had short hair.
4I was on a bus. The bus went down a windy, steep hill that reminded me of the hill going down to Owens Beach at Point Defiance, only this hill was more treacherous. When the bus stopped, Lisa was with me and we got out together. Miranda was also there and she looked around silently, expressionless.
5 I was with Charles and Stephan at a McDonald's. I remember ignoring Charles, or not talking to him, which is the way we act around each other these days. For some reason I had to leave, so I got in my Nissan pick-up. As I was driving away, Stephan threw a chocolate milk shake. I don't know if he was trying to hit me, but if he was, he missed. The shake splattered all over the side window and wall of the McDonald's restaurant. I think Stephan was mad at me for leaving without him or something like that, and as I continued to drive to the edge of the parking lot towards the street, he said, "You'd better apologize for throwing that shake", as if he was trying to make it look like it was I who threw it, not he. He kind of waved his arms and ran towards me during this milk shake incident. Some people in the restaurant may have been looking on and that could have been why he said that. Anyway, I finally reached the street and was about to pull out into it when a car wreck occurred in front of me. I don't know how many cars were actually involved, but I know of at least one. It was a car like a Datsun 280Z and it was driven by a woman in her twenties or early thirties. I'm not sure how the wreck occurred, but it happened right in front of me on the street as her car went from right to left. The woman fell out of the car as it wrecked and she went tumbling down the street to my left for about thirty feet and it looked like she was hurt pretty bad. I parked the truck on the opposite side of the street at the end of a dirt road that led to the street. As I got out of my truck to see if the woman was okay, a cop drove up the dirt road. The cop car was dark green and had lettering on it like a sheriff's car so maybe it was a sheriff's car. I thought that maybe the cop was there for the wreck, but he maneuvered around my truck and drove away from us so I guess he wasn't. I was worried he would inquire as to who's truck was blocking the road, but he didn't. The next thing I recall is being in an apartment or house in the living room area with a bunch of people. These people were all in their late forties or mid fifties and seemed to be in couples, man woman, man woman. They sat in recliners and lounge chairs and on a couch, which was to my left. They all talked a lot as if they were having good conversation, and I remember one older man in particular who talked and smiled a lot that sat in an easy chair to my right. There was a woman at his feet who I guessed to be his wife. I squatted on my knees on the floor and in front of me lay the woman who was in the car wreck. Apparently she had been brought here to be taken care of. I remember scratching her back, as if to comfort her. Suddenly there was a knock on the front door. I looked up and saw Glen, the guy who I used to buy electronic components from, at the front door, which was right in front of me. He had come by to see how the woman was doing. He had hair like Wayne Campbell from the show Wayne's World. This place I was in reminded me, for some reason, of an apartment of a neighbor who lived across the street from me when I lived downtown with Barry Whipen.
I was in a bathroom in a school much like the high school I attended. I was standing at the urinal taking a piss or trying to. Suddenly I noticed a guy who was also standing there to the left and ahead of me, at another urinal. He had thin shoulder-length blonde hair and wore a baseball cap which may have been red. He was tall, about six foot two. For some reason he reminded me of Ford Zebens, I guy I went to school with in first and second grades, although he really didn't look like him. He looked more like the slow coaching assistant on the sit-com Coach. As we stood there pissing or trying to, he looked up at me and said something like, "I know you", but he said it like he wasn't sure if he did or not. He asked about my Mazda MPV and he said that he bought four of them. I don't know if he bought them as company cars for a company he owned, or if he just had a lot of money and bought four because he liked them so much. I remember him saying, "I bought four."
I was driving with Charles in a vehicle, probably my Mazda MPV. We came to a small town and for some reason we had been detained by a cop. We were sitting in the mini-van and I remember the cop walking out of a building to our right, which was probably the police station. He said that I could go free and maybe there was a third person with us and the cop said he could go, too. Then he said that because Charles didn't have an attorney to make his one phone call to, that he had to go to jail for three months. It was actually three months and so many days, like three months and twelve or eighteen days. The actual charge was "Lack of an attorney." Charles got out of the van without saying a word and walked into the police station to be put into jail. He didn't protest at all, which is what he's like. It was like he's gone through so much shit in his life that nothing seemed to faze him, and going to jail was just something he had to deal with and bitching about it wouldn't do any good. It was like, oh well, this is just another stroke of bad luck. I was sitting in the middle seat of the mini-van and I remember that the window was open, although the window on my mini-van actually does not open there. Anyway, I talked to the cop, asking him about the law to be jailed for lack of an attorney, but I didn't want to say too much, fearing that the cop would be thinking that I was talking too much and needed to be jailed myself. I did ask a few things, however, like "Are you sure about this law?" and "I've never heard anything like that before" and "Why does he need to be jailed for not having an attorney to call?" Later, I was on the road again, but this part of the dream could have happened before Charles and I met the cop. Whatever the case, I remember seeing a speed limit sign that read SPEED LIMIT 5 MPH. It looked just like a regular speed limit sign. There were things zipping across the road, like those tubular paper snakes that pop out of cans. These tube-like things zipped across the road in front of me about three feet off the ground. They were about twenty feet long. I saw about three of them at different times, and they were dark in color. As I drove into the city and down a street that sloped downward slightly, I saw a pile of candy in the street, but I can't remember what kind of candy. Then I saw how it got there. There was a man that was about forty years old. He was skinny and about five foot nine and wore thin wire-rimmed glasses, had short hair, and wore a light-colored derby type hat. He wore some type of geeky suit. He walked along the street and occasionally put candy on the street, apparently as a trap for kids to come along and take it. I looked at him as he was now behind me because I drove past him. He may have had a cane and he walked like Charlie Chaplin. His short hair was a reddish color and he had a moustache. He never looked at me for his eyes stared off to my left (his right) as he walked along the street. I realized somehow that this guy worked for the police force and he set the candy in the street to keep kids from getting trapped by real criminals. The 5 MPH speed limit was a way to reduce speed, thus preventing accidents in the town, and the things zipping across the road were to keep drivers alert so accidents could be avoided. This was a very crime-conscious town.
2I saw a woman who reminded me of Deidre Sotcheck who I used to work with. She was lying down and was wearing a blouse or skirt of some kind. Soon, Axl Rose from the band Guns ‘n Roses was there and he was doing something to Deidre, but I don’t know what. Whatever it was, he was being too rough because Deidre’s head suddenly popped off and rolled down to the right, off the table she and Axl were on. Her head took on the shape and appearance of the golden mask on King Tut's tomb, looking exactly like the pharaoh mummy coffin cover you see on all those extravagant Egyptian coffins. This mummy head thing continued rolling until it reached the underside of the house or building where we were. It was a huge building. Aqueducts and mass stone foundations stretched below this building. It reminded me of the Alien structures those monsters build with their secretions. I remember seeing the mummy head fall onto a slab which I thought was cement, but the head bounced up into the air about thirty feet as if it had hit a trampoline. I watched this from the front and down a little so I couldn't actually see the surface where the head hit. When it bounced up, it faced forward and was upright and seemed to be staring straight ahead with it's dark eyes. Then I saw the head smash into a wall and when it did, I heard a pop, like the head inside the mummy mask cracked like an eggplant. I saw the head as it fell to a cement floor below me and it cracked open. Red goo splattered from within the mummy head, which also cracked into pieces. I vaguely remember the head then splashing into the water that flowed among the aqueducts in this gloomy place. At this point I woke up from this dream. I took a piss, then went back to bed. Once asleep, I dreamt again.
3I was in a trailer, like the kind I used to live in with Charles. I was in this trailer with some other people that I didn't know. One or several of the people were the police. There was a man outside the trailer in the surrounding area that was a murderer. I don't remember the murder, but I knew he had killed someone. The murderer's name was Uncle Howard. In the trailer was Uncle Howard's girlfriend and the police were talking to her. They were asking her if she wanted them (the police) to apprehend Uncle Howard because if they did, he would go to prison for probably the rest of his life. There was a cop, a detective or sergeant in charge who wore plain clothes, was about forty-five, and did not resemble anyone I know. He had short hair. He was sitting and he talked with Uncle Howard's girlfriend, whom I can't remember anything about except that she had long black hair and was standing next to the cop in charge (the detective). He said to the woman something like, "Are you sure you want that?" meaning are you sure you want us to get him? The woman seemed very distraught, perhaps on the verge of tears, but she indicated that yes, that is what she wanted. The next thing I recall is talking on the phone to someone. I was giving them a Mastercard number but I don't think it was my Mastercard. I was talking to someone on the other end and I was having trouble reading the number off the card, which I think was silver or gold. The card had numbers in it like 3316-3000, which I thought were strange numbers for a Mastercard number to be. I had to stop several times and repeat the numbers because I couldn't read them right. I had double vision or something. After that, the police in the trailer talked on a CB to Uncle Howard, I guess telling him to come inside. Outside it was a wide open dirt space surrounded by forest on either side. Bulldozers had recently cleared a huge space for this trailer. I think there were other people outside besides Uncle Howard, but I don't know who they might have been. Anyway, Uncle Howard was suddenly inside the trailer. He had long shoulder-length brown hair and a beard and moustache, which made him look like Charles Manson, but his face was different than Charles'. His features were sullen and sagged and he looked like he could have been around fifty or more years old. When Uncle Howard came in, he took a big black revolver out of one of the pockets of the jeans he was wearing and set it on the coffee table that was there in front of a couch. He sat on the couch as he did this. At this point I sat on a couch with some of the other people who lived in the trailer, but I don't know who they were, only that they were children. The couch we sat on was at a ninety degree angle from the one Uncle Howard sat on, his couch to the right of ours. When he at first reached for his gun, I was scared that he was going to shoot someone, but he didn't. I wondered why the hell the police just stood there and let him handle this gun. When the police informed Howard that they were taking him to jail, he said something like, "Right now?" like he knew he had to go but did it really have to be right now? He was very cooperative throughout all of this. Realizing he was really going, he reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a small wad of bills, which may have only consisted of about four one dollar bills. He talked to someone, either the police, his girlfriend or someone else, I don't know who, but he indicated that he wanted this money to go to help pay for a dead relative's expenses since he wasn't going to be able to give it to the dead relative himself. When the police said he was going to jail tomorrow, Uncle Howard said that it was ironic because tomorrow just happened to be his birthday. The police got to talking with Uncle Howard, like they were just bullshitting about stuff and one of the police commented on a vehicle that sat outside the trailer, right in front. It was a big vehicle and was like a cross between a big pick-up and a bulldozer. The truck/dozer sat in the dirt in front of the trailer, and it looked like it had pushed a big mound of dirt up to the trailer and that's where it sat. There was a big slatted grill in the front which was very dark blue. On either side of the grill were a pair of headlights. The whole thing was tilted just the slightest bit to the left. We all looked at this thing from out of one of the trailer windows. The left side of the grill was crunched and there was a hole there, like the truck had been in a wreck. Inside the hole you could see a cat jumping around in there. One of the police asked Uncle Howard if the oil had been replaced, as if the wreck, the hole and the cat indicated that the oil had been, or needed to be, replaced.
I was in a church, attending my father's funeral. I do not recognize the church but I'm sure it's one I've been in, in other dreams. I sat in the front row and sitting next to me was dad. It was his funeral and he wasn't dead yet, but I had the feeling that before The Lord's Prayer was finished being said, he would be dead. I vaguely remember talking to mom about this and she said that yes, during the Our Father, dad would pass away. I don't know how we could predict the actual moment of his death, but it worked. The congregation recited the Our Father and when it was done, dad was dead. I was kind of upset because I didn't really pay attention to when he actually died. I just remember him being dead next to me. Apparently he was deathly ill, I don't know if it was from a stroke or what, and I think he may have had a cane with him. The casket he was to be buried in was somewhere near the front of the church and it was real small, about one half the length of dad's body, and I wondered how the hell we were going to fit him in it. The casket was made of a smooth dark wood and had a purple satin material lining the inside. After dad died, a few of us set him in the casket and we somehow got him to fit by bending his legs or something. In the church I had spotted Miranda sitting in one of the pews farther back. After the service was over, I sat on the rail of my pew and faced the back of the church, as if I was just sitting there for no reason. I began greeting people as they filed out of the church. I looked to my right and saw Hector and Penelope Ford as they departed from the church. They were smiling and had been facing me, but they turned away and began walking out of the church. When they turned, Penelope put her arm around Hector's shoulder and then they walked away into the next room, where a reception was going on, but then again it could have been the outside - I really don't know.
I was at home with someone, I think Charles and Ron. We were outside at the back of my house. I think it was raining. The back of my house looked different. The porch there had a big overhang that connected to the upper part of the house and maybe there was a room in the peak of the overhang, like the house I used to live at in downtown with Barry Whipen. The overhang and my porch area was gray and in very bad shape. It had bad water damage and was rotting away. The overhang was wilting down and I remember pulling at different posts and roof parts and the wood there was sagging and crumbling to bits. There was one part that I pulled at up about seven feet in the air, but the roof and structure began falling away and I was afraid the whole damned place would fall to the ground so I stopped pulling. I think there was a part of this area that was still in good shape and didn't need replacing, but most of it did. Suddenly I looked over at my neighbor Peewee's place and I saw him on his side of the fence. The fence was different, smaller. Peewee looked different too. Maybe he looked like Peewee at first, but then he changed. He looked like the actor who played Jill's dad on the show Home Improvement, the guy who wrote the long boring military book. When I looked again, I saw that Peewee had come over to my yard and I wondered how he did that because I didn't see him hop the fence, which he had to if he walked from his yard to mine. I was looking at him walking from his yard and suddenly he just appeared on my side of the fence as if he was a ghost and had just walked right through it. Although he was my neighbor Peewee, at this part of the dream his name was Earl. There were some fifty-five gallon barrels around my yard. They may have been empty and rusted, or they could have been full of something, but I think they were empty. Earl mentioned something to us, like the barrels would go for a certain price, as if we had asked about using them or their contents to repair my roof.
I was at work. It was vague, but I remember something breaking and I can't remember if I broke it or not. The object broke into about twenty pieces. I recall Traesup Beckenridge with a report in his hand, like he was going to record the information about what I had broken. As he was doing that, something else broke but this time it wasn’t my fault. This particular object shattered and I knew that when I looked at it that it would be damn near impossible to figure out what it would have originally been.
I think this dream started out with me in a car, sitting in what I think was someone's driveway. There was someone else in the car with me, maybe Charles and perhaps some other guy. Suddenly someone pulled up in a car next to the one I was in. It was mom and dad. I got out of the car for some reason and suddenly I realized I didn't have any pants on, so I started putting pants on in front of mom and dad, which was embarrassing. I learned that the driveway I was in was at the house of Miranda. I remember being inside the house, like I had gone there looking for Miranda, but she wasn't there. I did meet a younger girl who was Miranda's sister. I met at least one or two girls who, in this dream, were Miranda's sisters, but only one of them really stood out. She kind of looked like Miranda but was younger and had straight hair instead of curly. I never did see Miranda.
2I was at a place that was my new job, which was where I used to work, but this place looked a lot different than the place where I used to work. I was in an office, which I guess was my office. It reminded me of Eli Branch’s office. I sat at a desk that faced the wall with the window on it facing the parking lot in front of the building, and across from me, sitting in another desk, was where Vasquel Buller sat, and he was sitting there. It was the same type of setup I had in my office when I worked there before and had to sit next to Gladys Strong then Deidre Sotcheck, but this seemed different, like the desks were bigger or there was more room, or something like that. I guess I was a buyer just like I used to be, and I felt a bit rusty. There was a small beige file cabinet, about two-drawer height, next to the chair in which I sat so I opened it and found some reports, and I discussed them briefly with Vasquel Buller. It then started coming back to me on how to figure out what parts to buy. I knew I had to look at the reports, find out how many parts of what kind went with each product we sold, then determine how many units per month would be built, then set up purchase orders for that amount of parts to be delivered at certain times. It soon felt like I had never left. I vaguely remember answering phones and starting to get busy just like the old days. Endora was there and she smiled at me, like she was saying It's good to see you back at work here.
The next thing I recall is being in a work area, much like where Lisa used to work in 1984 and 1985. I was sitting at a long table in a white environment. My job was to sit at this long counter and work with some small leather-type bags that were about one to two inches round. Actually, they were almost square, but rounded at the edges. My job was to punch holes around the edges of these small pouch-like things, placing two of them together like they were sewn together or something. There may have been something inside these little pouches, like small pebbles or gravel. In front of me was another long counter where other people worked, ahead of me and to the right about ten feet. There was a glass wall either separating me from them, or in front of them which separated us all from whatever was beyond the glass. We were enclosed in this environment. I don't know if I was, but the people in front of me were wearing white lab coats, and they reminded me of doctors. I don't know what they were doing at their table but I know it wasn't the same thing I was doing at mine. I got the feeling that their job was more important than mine. The next thing I recall is looking out the window/glass at the floor beyond, which was white as well as the walls in the room there. This place was like an employee meeting room, like where communications meetings are held for all employees to gather and listen to management gab about the status of the company. All the company employees filed into this room from a door at the back left of the room. There were no chairs in the room so everyone stood in a crowd at left side of the room. There were about forty people total and as they filed into the room, I looked for Miranda but I never did see her nor did I recognize any of the people in this crowd. After the people were filed into the room, a couple of employees wheeled in a huge statue, about twelve feet tall. It sat on a wagon-like thing that had wheels and I think the statue had a cloth over it, hiding what it actually was. The cloth was removed but I don't know what the statue was, only that it was tall and seemed to have the shape of a human standing erect, although I don't know if it actually was of a person. This statue was like the company mascot or something like that, and everyone gathered to pay tribute to it. It was a faded white color, whatever it was. While this statue was brought out and revealed, I continued working on my small leather pouches. At this point I am doing something a little different with them than I was before. I was now sewing the edges closed around the two pouches, sealing the pebbles inside. To do this, I used a tool like the kind I used to cut patterns into leather projects I made in my eighth grade industrial arts class. The blade of this tool was used to poke through a light brown cloth, about an eight of an inch square, at intervals along the edge of the leather from underneath, as if this was somehow sewing the pouch shut. Back to the statue, I now noticed that it had some piles of eggs on or around it. They were stacked like a pyramid and there were hundreds of them. There was something about how eggs with brown shells lasted longer than the eggs with the white shells, and I guess there were different piles of eggs, those with white shells and those with brown shells. Suddenly I saw a picture, to the side of the statue I think, that showed a man jogging and he was panting for air and was tired and then there was a picture of a woman or women jogging but they were going fast and weren't tired. The eggs somehow had something to do with this statue. There was also something about how men were connected with twelve eggs, like there were twelve eggs in the picture or twelve eggs meant men and how more tired they got when they jogged. The women were connected to ten eggs somehow, like there were ten eggs in their picture which indicated something about how they could handle jogging longer because of ten eggs. As the employees stood and went about their business among this statue, three employees suddenly got sick and had to leave because they had to throw up. The people that left, marched out of the room to the left, as if marching was the proper way to leave the employee premises. Miranda, I felt, was one of these people but I never did see her. I have the feeling that these people, Miranda as well, threw up and during the time of the dream I saw such an act, but now I can't remember shit.
I was on a bus with some people, I don't know who they were or where I was going. The bus passed by the Statue of Liberty and on the statue were stunt men doing some daring tricks. I don't think these stunt men had permission to do what they were doing. They were just doing it for the fun of it, or maybe they were escaped convicts who were climbing on the statue to get rid of the police. There was one main guy on the statue and I remember him as having shoulder-length red hair. He was the leader of all the men. There was a helicopter that flew around the statue and were after these men for some reason, and I think I may have seen these guys from inside the helicopter looking out. I can't recall the exact stunts they did, but I do know they did a lot of climbing about the statue.
Later I was with Megan and Charles, and maybe Lisa was there as well. We were in an apartment which was one of ours, I don't know if Megan and Charles lived there or if Lisa and I lived there, but it was like we had gotten together to socialize or something. I can't remember if the kids were there or not. Anyway, for entertainment we were making pictures with ketchup and mustard. We were using the ketchup and mustard squirt bottle things to draw lines on paper that resembled greeting cards, and these lines were pictures of some sort, although I can't remember what the pictures may have been. But the red and yellow lines of ketchup and mustard was very distinct, the lines intertwining on the paper/cards. The apartment we were in was a small one, a two-room model; with gloomy lighting and obviously low-budget. I remember a bed in the main room we were in and there being some bedrooms or other rooms off to the end of a hallway beyond the bed to my right and forward. As we sat there and socialized, there was a noise in one of the other rooms coming form one of the other tenants. I got the impression that it was a father. He was being very mean to someone, probably his own kids, and it was frightening. There was some type of violence occurring and although I can't remember specifically what it was, it was very scary. I had visions of seeing the hallway outside of the apartment we were in, and it was one of those low-budget apartments where you kept your door double-bolted because the light is low and the shadows make you see things that aren't really there. There was something about reading or seeing a book full of rhymes, like this is where the ketchup and mustard drawings would be contributed to. God I wish I could remember more about this but I just can't. I remember being out on the street and looking at the front of this apartment building where we were. It was night time. The front of this building had steps going up to the front door and there were lights, like round globe-like lamps maybe, one on either side of the steps. It was kind of like the steps where Robin Williams talks to his date in the movie The Fisher King. I viewed the steps from the right side, about thirty-five feet away and about fifteen feet out. I think I was about to get in a car, but for some reason I felt I had to go back into the apartment. The reason I went back in was because someone had been shot with a shotgun. I had a vision of someone shoving a shotgun up a woman's vagina and pulling the trigger. I never really saw this, but I sensed it had happened. From here on out, this dream became extremely frightening. I was inside an apartment or house now, I don't know if it was the same place I was in earlier with Charles and Megan, but I was in the kitchen and the light in there was really low. I walked to the back part of the kitchen, past a refrigerator that may have been on the right and a sink on the left, like Peter Peckster’s mom's kitchen. There was door at the end that led either outside or to a garage, I don't know, but before the door on the floor was a bunch of small holes peppered into the floor. They were from the shotgun blast that the woman was killed with. The pattern was about three feet round and had many small, half-inch sized holes that went through the floor. On the top of these holes was the word CHARLES which was also formed with the shotgun blast, and it was by bizarre coincidence that the word CHARLES got spelled out with the blast. The word was real ragged at its edges, as you would picture any word spelled with a shotgun blast to be. The pattern of holes below it (closer to me than the door) was random and for some reason reminded me of Chucky's hair on the cartoon Rugrats. As I stared at the holes, I suddenly noticed that there were some eyes in those holes, but then I realized that the eyes were underneath the floor and they belonged to someone who was staring up at me from underneath the floor. This is where I started getting the shit scared out of me. I jumped in surprise and as I looked at the other holes, I saw that they all had eyeballs in them, each staring up at me, watching my every move. I could see nothing of who the eyeballs belonged to, so I don't really know what this person or creature looked like that had those many eyes. Each hole in the floor had an eyeball in it, about fifty or so total. I think I may have turned around then, realizing there was a killer in the house, and ran out of the house, out a door that was on the other end of the kitchen. I don't remember actually running out, but I felt that if I did then the killer met me there and I saw what he looked like. His head was the shape of the pattern of holes and was mostly just eyeballs. It stood in my way and stopped me from escaping.