
Love is

Did you Ever?

Love is being happy 4 the other person
when they are happy
being sad 4 the other person when they are sad
being 2gether in good times and being
2gether in good times
Love is the source of strength.
Love is being honst with yourself @ all times
being honest with the other person @ all times
telling, listening, respecting the truth
and never pretending
Love is the source of reality
Love is an understanding that is so complete that u feel as if u are a part of the other person
accepting the other person just the way they are and not trying to change them
to be something else
Love is the source of unity.
Love is the freedom 2 pursue your own desires
while sharing your experience with another person
the growth of one individual alongside of &
2gether with the growth of another individual
Love is the source of success.
Love is excitement of planning things 2gether
the excitement of doing things 2gether
Love  is the source of future.
Love is the furry of the strom
the calm of the rainbow
Love is the source of passion.
Love is giving and taking ina daily situation
being patient with each other's needs & desires
Love is the souce of sharing.

Did your ever love someone and
know they didn't care?
But knew u'd get nowher
Did u ever close your eyes and
say a little prayer?
Did you ever look into their hearts
and with the u were there?
Did you ever watch them walkaway
not wanting them to let them go
and whisper "God, I love u"
but never tell them so?
U'd cry all night in misery and
almost go insane
"there's nothing in this world that would cause no more pain"
I say don't fall in love
u'll get hurt b-4 its through,
u see I ought to know
because I fell in love with you.

I knew I would miss you

When u care about someone as much as I do about u. 
Being a part is a hard to get used to. 
I thought I'd handle just fine and that I'd be happy just to keep u on my mind.
But it isn't always that easy......
sometimes the one thing that would please me the most....
is simply seeing you.
I know I would miss u
I just didn't know I'd miss u as much as
I do.

The little things in life

I never thought I'd fall in love with u

Too often we don't realize
what we have until it's gone
Too often we wait too late to say
"I'm sorry, I was wrong"
Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
We hold dearest to our hearts
And we allow stupid things
to tear our lives apart
Far too manu times we let
unimportant things get in our mind
and by then it's usually too late
to see what made us blind
So be sure that your let people know
how much they mean to you
take the time to say the words
b-4 your time is through
Be sure that you appreciate
everything you're got
and be thankful for the little things
in life that mean a lot.

I never thought I would fall in love with u
I thought someday of course, I'd
fall in love
But what if felt like, I just never knew,
I'd no idea what I was thingking of
And then, somewhere between my need and pleasure,
Walking neither overjoyed nor sad,
I looked into my heart and
saw a treasure
Worth more than anything I'd ever had.
Ah! this is love I thought and then I wanted to give my life to see your happiness.
Suddenly, from nowhere I was haunted, needy, joyful, tearful, glad, and obsessed.
My love for you has broght me out of me.
The beauty in your heart has set me free.

My Heart, My Life

Forget Him

Forget his name and face,
forget his kiss and warm embrace.
Forget the times that went so fast,
forget his love which now has fat.
Forget the things he used to say,
remember now he's gone away.
Forget the love that you once shared,
forget the fact the he once cared.
Forget the way he said your name,
remember now things are not the same.
Forget the talks that u once had,
forget the thought; it makes you sad.
Forget that you said you would wait,
remember now his love is hate.
Forget him when they play your song,
forget you cried the whole night long.
Forget he said he'll leave you never,
remember now he's gone forever.

You have captured my heart
in the palm of your hands
love unconditional ,
with no demands
All that I have wanted
was love, honest, and true
I know that I found it,
the day I found you!
You have filled a void,
I helf deep inside
4ever I want u
Please, stand by my side?
I do love your so,
All of me I am giving.
The love that we share
makes my life worth living!

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