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The Good, the Bad, and the REALLY bad . . . 

Billy Dee Williams is what one would call a "well rounded" actor. Well, actually, he's had his ups and downs in his acting career. He's been in many many movies. . .some good and some not so good.

His most memorable movie to me (and probably to everyone else who loves him) is, of course, The Empire Strikes Back. This movie is probably my favorite movie of all time and is by far the best in the Star Wars saga (prequels included). Billy Dee portrays Lando, the scoundrel-smuggler turned "respectable" administrator of Cloud City. In order to protect his people he is forced to turn his 'ol buddy Han Solo over to Darth Vader in order to lure Luke into a trap on Bespin. Lando actually gets a pretty bum rap in this film for being a complete ass towards his friends. But in the end he realized the stupid mistake he made and rescues his friends (but Han is of course taken to Jabba). 

Williams has also appeared in numerous films including Return of the Jedi (1983), Batman (1989), and to finally kill his career,  Secret Agent 00Soul (1995). Yes you read that correctly. Billy Dee starred in what I believe is the worst film of all time! In Secret Agent 00Soul, Billy Dee plays a government agent that "finally tells off the government and fulfills his lifelong dream of opening a a detective agency in his old neighborhood. His once plush workplace is now a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint...". that was taken directly form the back of the VHS tape. Man 'o man is this movie bad!!!!

Check out Secret Agent 00Soul