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Disclaimer and the Big Question Why?

This site is in no way affiliated with Lucasfilm Ltd. in any way or form. The movies, characters, images, and names, etc. are the sole property of Lucasfilm Ltd. This site is just for fun!

Now, the big question....WHY? Well, I'll tell you why. I just love Billy Dee and Lando! Although he may not be the greatest actor in the world, the guy continues to live in our hearts and souls to this day. Star Wars is everywhere and loved by millions. Who couldn't love Lando!? This site is devoted to all the craziness and interesting facts surrounding the career and character, the greatest Cool Cat of all time, LANDO!

Well, I hope you enjoy your stay and come visit again. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to contact me.

Contact the creator of Everything Lando

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Check out Lando's new real-time DRAWING BOARD!



C r a z y    L i n k s:
Godzilla Vs. Disco Lando 
• This site features Star Wars figures in really zany movies! 

The Star Wars Christmas Special
• Yes you read right! Read all about this fabled special here

Why Billy Dee was never in any more Batman movies
• Why did Tommy Lee Jones get to play Two-Face?

Don't forget to visit the Lando Gallery