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Plastic never biodegrades . . . 

When I was young, I never had a Star Wars Lando figure. I had Luke, Han, Vader, and a whole buttload of them darn Ewoks, but no Lando. When I got older and went to college, I made sure that I owned one of these brand spankin' new smooth talkers when they were re-released (or re-re-released as there are many editions of him). He may be way too buffed and his afro may not be as close to his 1980 counterpart as it could of been, but this figure just plain rocks!  They shoulda just replaced one of those two gun accesories with a miniature bottle of Colt 45. 

There is only one thing better than the 4" plastic Lando and that's his 12" big brother! I must say that the 12" Lando is even BETTER than his 4" version. He is more movable, reasonably buffed, has a comlink and a gun, looks a lot more like Billy Dee, and has real clothes (which are removable for all the ladies out there..."Smoooooth!"). If you are a true Lando fan, you gotta have one of these cats! Pose him, dress him, whatever...you can't beat having your very own Lando!

 Power of the Force Lando