The drink of choice .
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It is a well know fact that
following the completion of "The Empire Strikes Back" in the early 1980's,
Billy Dee Williams made those nortoriusly famous Colt 45 commercials. These
TV ads consisted of the smooth talking Billy Dee advertising the malt liquor
in bars and having women hang all over him. These ads were lame and the
print advertising (like the backlit bar sign on the right) were not better.
But you have to admit, they are funny as hell. Every time I think of Billy
Dee doing a Colt 45 ad, I laugh to myself. I wonder if Billy Dee knew just
how bad these ads were.The tag line was "Colt 45...It works every time!".
It truely does work every time: To this day, every time someone thinks
of Lando or Billy Dee, the words "smooth" and "Colt 45" are always brought
to mind. What a career killing blow this was to Williams. |