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What's New?
- August 10th, 2007: All right, looking at the item just below it looks as though I don't know how to make promises I can keep. (Sighs) On another note, I just updated the recs site located at:/beaaj. New recs for have been added for many fandoms and one fandom has been added.
- December 5th, 2006: I also hereby promise that I will post *something* fanfic-related during the holidays. :-)
- December 5th, 2006: I'm currently posting plain text versions of my fics, since yahoo annoyingly uses frames to combine my stuff with its advertising. Now, advertising doesn't bother me since this is a free account, but the annoying part was when I noticed that the frames made it such that I couldn't save the fics without copying and pasting the text into Word. And if I have problems, it means other people are probably having problems as well. Annoying, n'est-ce-pas?
- August 17th, 2006: I'm currently writing another BSG fic. It isn't ready for posting yet however. ;P On another note, I now have a livejournal blog thingie. (sigh) Yep.
- July 16th, 2006: Updated the Fanfic Favorites page again! :-)
- June 6th, 2006: Updated the Fanfic Favorites page. :-)
- January 1, 2006: Updated the Fanfic Favorites page. :-)
- December 27, 2005: Wrote and posted the final part of 'Future', part 6e/6. Enjoy! :-)
- December 25, 2005:Wrote and posted part 6d/6 of 'Future', with one more part to come really soon.
- December 23, 2005: Wrote and posted part 6c/6 of 'Future', with 2 more parts to come. And yes, I'm aware the numbering of parts on this fic is completely ridiculous, but what the heck. ;-P
- November 29, 2005: I've written a new relatively short Battlestar Galactica fic (complete at 1/1 parts) called 'Mementoes' which is located in the PG-13 section.
- September 22, 2005: I have written and posted two more parts of 'Future' (parts 6a and 6b), rated PG-13. Yes, I completely suck at figuring out how long a story is going to be beforehand, even if I do know where I'm going with it! ;-) (sigh) There will be a part 6c which I will try to post ASAP.
- August 10, 2005: I have written and posted one more part of 'Future' (part 5/6). An NC-17 version and a PG-13 version have been posted in the appropriate sections of this website. You do not need to read the NC-17 version to be able to follow the story. :-)
- August 1, 2005: I have written and posted three more parts of 'Future' (parts 4a, 4b, and 4c).
- 13-July-2005: I have written and posted another part of my Battlestar Galactica fic 'Future' to this page.
- 09-July-2005: The Fanfic Favorites recommendations page has been updated.
- 08-July-2005: I realize I haven't updated in ages... I also realize there is at least one Babylon 5 story of mine which fell by the wayside. (sigh) However, I have posted three parts (parts 1, 2a and 2b) of a Battlestar Galactica fic which I began writing recently. It's called 'Future', and is in a separate section. Also, I will shortly update the Fanfic Favorites Page.

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