Stories with Adult Material
Stories on this particular page contain adult material (sexual or otherwise) and are not suitable for minors. Click here to go to a fanfiction page suitable for minors.
Babylon 5 stories by other authors
- Where No Shadows Fall
Written by Tish Williamson
Spanning many lifetimes where the souls of our two lovers are reborn and reunited, this is a very romantic Delenn/Sheridan story.
Unfortunately, this story will never be finished. I was very saddened to hear that Tish died on February 8th 2001. I honestly didn't know her at all except for her fanfiction and one or two emails, but I do believe her voice lives on a bit in this fanfic which is truly lovely, and which made Tish one of my favorite fanfic authors of all time. Tish, I guess we'll see you next in the place where no shadows fall.
- Prologue
- Part 1A
- Part 1B
- Part 1C
- Part 1D
- Part 1E
- Part 2A
- Part 2B
- Part 2C
- Part 2D
- Part 3A
Stories by me
Battlestar Galactica (2003 version)
- Future (Complete)
This story exists in two versions -an NC-17 and a PG-13 one. Both versions have been posted to this site. The more complete/longer version is the NC-17 one, but you don't need to read this one to be able to follow the story.
Summary: This fic was essentially written before season 2 aired and is therefore AU post season 1. It is my imagination's take on events post season one and on the Apollo/Starbuck pairing. Action, adventure, drama, romance.
- Part 1/6
- Part 2a/6
- Part 2b/6 -revised version
- Part 3/6
- Part 4a/6
- Part 4b/6
- Part 4c/6
- Part 5/6
- Part 6a/6
- Part 6b/6
- Part 6c/6
- Part 6d/6
- Part 6e/6
Babylon 5
- Prologue, (3/3)
Written towards the end of Babylon 5's third season, this contains some speculation on what the end of season 3 would bring, and is intended to be a romantic Sheridan/Delenn story.
- Part One
- Part Two
- Part Three/Final Part
- Prozac, (1/1)
This story is a spoof/parody of many things, including my previously written story "Prologue", and which follows somewhat the same path/plotline as the aforementioned story. Also parodied are soap operas, sex scenes, and many other things. Since it is not at all meant to be serious, don't read it if you dislike silly parodies.
- Gethsemane, (1/1)
This came from a type of story challenge, where I was told to write a h/c (hurt/comfort) story with Sheridan, a Shadow, and an anatomically incorrect Londo doll. (See Season 2 of Babylon 5 for the reference. :-) This short story was the result.
- Whitestar Interlude, (1/1)
This also came from a story challenge, where I was told to write a Sinclair/Zathras story, with the deep fried dish of my choice, and where there is mention of the celebration of a Minbari holiday named Shal A'drah (which was mine to define). This is the rather strange/pathetic result.
- Alternative, (1/1)
This was written shortly after I saw "War Without End", and contains an alternative version of the future we saw in this two-part episode. Avoid like the plague if you hate Delenn/Sheridan romance.
To praise the Lord for the Gift of my presence on this Earth (OK, maybe not) email me at: For your tedious complaining email seeyou@seeifI'