Tropique's FanFic Place

Babylon 5 and Battlestar Galactica do not belong to me.Certainly no infringement/trespassing or other sniffing is intended here. ;-)

Please note also that this site is not spoiler protected.

Most of the stories on this site have been written by me. Those few not written by me are some of my personal favorites from fanficdom. While I modestly *laugh, choke, splutter, cough* make no claim(s) regarding my own stories, those reproduced here (with permission of the authors) are *definitely* worth reading if you enjoy Babylon 5 fanfiction.

This site also features an original story written by yours truly, as well as new Battlestar Galactica (2003 version) fanfic. :-)

Furthermore, a friend of mine and I have a website which contains recommendations to the really good stuff we've read in fanfiction from various fandoms. The website is located at

Check out the What's New page to see what updates, if any, I've made to this page recently. (And I ask you to please not think murderous thoughts if it takes me a while... :)

Stories rated PG-13

These pages may contain coarse language as well as some violence.

PG-13 rated stories

Stories rated NC-17

The following pages contain explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adults, as well as some violence. If you are underage in your country of residence, I ask you to honor my request and read only the PG-13 stories. Thank you.

For those of you who are of age within your country of residence, and who understand and accept the nature of the stories in this section, here are the NC-17 stories. I wish to state, for the record, that my labelling these stories as I do above in no way implies that they are somehow inferior or should only be viewed from dark corners and recesses where no one will know. :-) I have read some truly *excellent* adult stories. Thank you. :-)

Original Fiction

There is only one such story on this site at present. It is rated PG-13 and can be found HERE.

Want some Cool Links? Here you go. If not, weeellll...

For voluminous heartfelt congratulations, praise and gratitude you can email me For complaints concerning wordiness or other unimportant details, feel free to email