LIMbricht METeo..........................................................................................................LIMMET

since feb 98.....(in dutch)

Welcome at the Thieu Smeets weather-homepage

Limbricht, southern-Netherlands, Europe.

Information LIMbricht METeo (dutch)

METEO-data Limbricht (dutch)

Average data 1960-1990

How was the weather today in Europe and the world ?

Last night Europe Today Western-Europe

Precepitation Europe past 12 h Lightning today in Europe

latest METEOSAT visueel Satellite and weatherchart today Europe Actuel weather Netherlands

Actuel Europe and rest of the world

Actuel situation airport Beek-Maastricht (K.N.M.I.station), Southern-Limburg.

Short forecast (3-6 days)

Worldclimate and actuel situation

Medium-range forecast (10 days)

Long-range forecast (3 month)

Radarimages Netherlands ( KNMI)

Pictures, images

Historical data

Weatheramateurs en Weatherlinks


Moonphase ..........This site is Golden Mill Winner