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Apathetic Press Comics and More

Last updated February 18, 2009

Hello and welcome to the Official Apathetic Press web site, the home of Jack Scab Monster Fighter For Hire. The goal of Apathetic Press: Comics and MoreTM is to provide original on-line comics in a variety of styles and genres. It's all just for fun at this point and all of the content is done in my spare time, which means that new material isn't posted as often as I'd like. The strips that I have done so far can be accessed through the Comics List.


OK, so it's not exactly new as much as it is retooled, but check out the revamped Grizzly Bear With A Chainsaw. Originally I'd envisioned it as a black and white comic, but the web actually doesn't lend itself to B&W as much as I'd thought. Some of the detail that would be obvious in print is lost on the screen. So I've not only coloured the pages, having a better scanner allowed me to rescan, re-edit and reletter everything. While I think there was a certain charm in the raw black and white, I also think the reviswed version is pretty cool.

In the AP catalogue is the Detective Kalita CD artwork I was commisioned for: The Night We Ate the Cake. Working on the booklet and the album art was one of the most difficult, challenging and creatively rewarding projects that I've ever tackled. It also helps that I am a big fan of their music, and I am really excitded having my artwork with a CD that kicks so much ass. For more on the DK, check out their web site at Preppy Records, and at the Kelp Records web site (where you should be able to order the album by the end of November). Just to entice you, here is the cover art.

You can also check out this 3 page preview of the booklet. Thanks Andy, it's been a helluva ride.

Go to the Comics List to see all my on-line comics so far.

Mail Me I want to hear what you think.

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