The Charmed Vortex
This site dedicated to the best of charmed, sliders, buffy, x-files, mst3000 and lara croft.
Note:  This page is no longer being updated.
dejavu.ram - trailer for dejavu  - movie clip
summon.ram - summon Melinda spell
curse.ram - Melinda's curse
gettofly.ram - Pheobe's powers
advil.wav - back in time episode
ctheme.wav - charmed theme
Are you obsessed with Charmed? - link
Charmed Picture Gallery 1 Charmed Picture Gallery 2
pilot.ram - pilot introduction - movie clip
vortex.ram - Quinn talking about the vortex - movie clip
quinn.ram - Quinn's introduction to sliding
boom.wav - Wade talking about sliding
stheme.wav - sliders season 1 theme
Sliders - Realmedia video Clips - link
Sliders Multimedia - link
logan.ram - season promo for double cross
Sliders Picture Gallery
oursoul.wav - Quinn talking to logan
xander.wav- willow, buffy and xander, funny
fairy.wav- cordelia talking about anya, funny
faith.wav- Faith's story
Faith Sounds - link, don't miss this collection
atheme.wav- theme from angel
giles.wav- Gile's introduction
library.wav- Buffy and Giles talking
letgo.avi-  movie clip
btheme.wav- season 1 theme
Buffy Drinking Game 1 - link
Buffy Drinking Game 2 - link
Buffy Picture Gallery
trust.wav- funny
truth.wav- Mulder's best speech
xtheme.wav- X-Files theme trailer for premier
The Red and the Black- link
MST3k SoundsVault - link
New Movies - the gang critique modern movies
endtheme.wav - ending theme
Official Web Site - link
A Mitchell Web Site - link
Tomb Raider 4 Demo -  link
Lara Croft Picture Gallery
You can use this banner to link to this page.
Legal Disclaimers
Download Link -  This is a media player and screensaver for MPEG and AVI files.  It also has a quick wallpaper changer.  Very nice program.  Size 617k.