Scatterlings - Bibliography

In Chronological Order:

The Obernewtyn Chronicles

Obernewtyn (Puffin - Penguin 1987) - Shortlisted CBC Book of the Year Awards (Older Readers) 1988
The Farseekers (Puffin - Penguin 1990) - Honour Book CBC Book of the Year Awards (Older Readers) 1991
Ashling (Puffin - Penguin 1995) - Bilby Award (Young Adult) 1995

The Legendsong

Darkfall (Viking - Penguin 1997)

Scatterlings (Viking - Penguin 1991) - Winner of the 3M Talking Book of the Year Award 1992 CBC Notable Book 1992 Shortlisted NSW Premier's Literary Awards 1992

The Gathering (Puffin - Penguin 1993) - Joint Winner of the 30th Childrens' Peace Literature Prize 1993 Joint Winner of the CBC Book of the Year Awards (Older Readers) 1994 Shortlisted 3M Talking Book of the Year Award (Variety Club Young People's Category) 1994

Green Monkey Dreams (Viking - Penguin 1996)

The Red Shoes {illustrated by Anne Spudvilas} (Lothian 1996)

Greylands (Puffin - Penguin 1997)

This Way Out: Five Plays {with Steve Taylor} (Penguin 1998)