Ok,if you're here,it must mean you want to know about my page.The realm you have
unwittingly entered is Allusia.Allusia consists of the palace,which is basically
the jump-off point and any adventures I cook up for you out there.The library of the
palace is the place where you can read my novellas(small novel)
The rest is basically as said.Have fun.....
On this particular page is also found some important nothings.Scroll down,if you please.
Step inside.Don't be scared.I can take you anywhere.
Wait and see.Soon you'll find that you'll want to come back all the time!
Heehee sorry.I have a really bad sense of humor,and thats about the best
rhyme I could come up with.*l*
So sorry.Just have a good time.Okay?

Site fights!Yeah!
Please,I beg you,sign my dreambook!
NOTICE!!!!!My link to my Dreambook doesn't like to show up,so I'm posting the stuff here.to sign it,go
My Animorphs!
By popular Demand!(I'm so flattered!)Poetry!
I am a TRUE CHICA!!!!!I will not take abuse from a boy.I am caring and considerate of others,tho not sappy.I help others when they fall.I do not need a boy at my side at all times.I believe in God.I lend a hand wherever needed.I sacrifice myself for others.I respect all God's creatures and the Elders.I listen to learn.I care about my intelligence.I will NOT be forced to do something that is wrong.I keep my head held high with dignity.I can kick any guy's butt without breaking a nail!!!!!
C'mon.This is cute.Ya gotta admit it...
Allusia,and all it's inhabitants,for a peaceful world!
(Imagw and Poem copyright 1999 by Calliope.Feel free to display it,but give credit where credit id due!A link might be nice!)
I believe in Faeries!!!!!
I believe in faerie's wings,and all sorts of wonderous things.
The world might be a better place,if our lives we didn't waste
Hurting others and being hurt,
Burning witches and being burnt
But instead we looked
For the faerie in us all,
whether huge or whether small,
everyone does have these things,
For I believe in faerie wings.
Images courtesy of Lady Sidhe.I wrote the poem,so ask before you go using it!!!
Have you ever really known something?I mean,not even logically,not even in your mind,but in your deepest heart,your darkest soul, really truley felt something?Have you ever known something with such a confidence that there is no doubt in your mind or heart,even tho that thing you know seems impossible?Okay,okay,now I'm just blabbing on and on about stuff.But I really truley belive in faeries.It's so hard to describe...but...I know better than I know what 1+1 is,I know that there are faeries.I have seen one.And now you are either staring at the page,really interested,or turning away in disgust,thinking what a nutcase!Faeries aren't real... well,if you just said that faeries aren't real,you just killed one.And for that you better apologize,man oh man.Because there are faeries.Really truley.I'm not crazy.Well,maybe Dana thinks I am...*lol*but than she is too.I'm not sure how to get this across the modems and miles,but there are faeries.
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