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Istvan - 08/20/99 20:31:01
My URL:http://surf.to/tusi
My Email:tusi@europe.com


StarStorm Weyr Home Page
it is a cool page... nice graphics...

Phil/E'van - 08/02/99 02:39:02
My Email:philh@cyburban.com

Hi! Nice page you've got here.

Adrian Gentilcore/Jerrica - 02/18/99 00:13:15
My Email:agentil@yahoo.com

WOW!!! What a gorgeous page! This really is lovely. Tell Jana what a great job she did. I've bookmarked it and I'll be sure to visit often! Adrian aka Jerrica with Gold Lyrabeth

Marsi - 02/16/99 17:52:38
My Email:marsi@compuserve.com

Hey, Dan!!! This is great! :) Jana has done you proud.

Flo Taylor - 02/15/99 21:49:16
My URL:/Petsburgh/Farm/1176
My Email:taylorf@telusplanet.net

Hey Dan -- cool page -- this is great!!! I was wondering where you had disappeared to Come visit my page -- then you'll see what I look like Love ya, Dan Flo

Jean Moses - 11/19/98 16:16:36
My URL:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/sneakyjean
My Email:sneakyjean@yahoo.com

Your pages look GREAT Dan!! Very consistent in their presentation and easy to navigate. I really like all the Dragon graphics, I'll have to check out those pages you link to and get a couple of my own . I gave you my webpage addy, but it's a joke at the moment as I am totally redesigning it. I really ought to put something up that says that as I keep getting comments about how all the graphics links are screwy. Oh well. YOU know at least! I'll let you know when the new design is done. Again, loved the page! GREAT job! Jean

Kelley - 11/18/98 23:57:32
My Email:KMcCown@compuserve.com

Looks really great Dan!!!

Barbara Beamer - 11/18/98 14:17:35
My Email:barbara_beamer@clayton.k12.mo.us


Lynette - 11/18/98 06:40:49
My Email:starphyre@coam.net

WOW !!! This is great. Now I understand more about Ista 6 and...hmmm...better stop there. You and Jana did a rilly great job with this. Thanks.

Pam Dirnberger - 11/18/98 02:50:44
My Email:PDirn@yahoo.com

Hey, Dan...neat web page

Jana Wright - 11/18/98 02:35:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nebula/2752
My Email:JanaWright@compuserve.com

Howdy Grandpa! Just checking in! *g*

Jim Cnockaert - 11/18/98 01:44:54
My Email:jcnockaert@mercury.aa-news.com

Uncle Dan: Your graphics are great, but neither Christine nor I know much about Anne or her work. Nice looking website.

Josey, Ista 9's rider of green Kirmith - 11/17/98 20:57:09
My Email:wordepot@erols.com

How wonderful! Top notch job! A certain intuition tells me however that there is a blue in Kidan's future .... Don't you hear him calling?

Gemma - 11/17/98 20:32:19
My Email:Spaniard@pflash.com

WOW! Nippy!!

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