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Dan's Pernpage!

GREETINGS...and feel welcomed to one small slice of organized Anne McCaffrey Pern fandom.

I would suppose that my "story" about becoming a diehard Anne fan is much like everyone elses. I picked up my first Pern book (_Dragonflight_) and another instant Fan was born.

And then, several years later, something really spectacular happened. I stumbled into organized Anne McCaffrey fandom on CompuServe and the rest is history. Since that fateful day of finding others online who were Anne fans, I've never looked backwards.

I started out with some simple Healer personas, and wrote some history and stories about them. Pretty soon, I found that I had "accidently" adopted a whole Hold on Ista Island; Eastern Bay Hold. Creating Eastern Bay has been a fun experience.

Sometime after that, through a lot of discussions, sweat and worry, Ista Six Weyr was formed with the approval of Ms. McCaffrey. Never in my wildest dreams had I considered even a WingLeader persona, and suddenly, I found myself building an entire fannish Weyr/club as Weyrleader. Thanks to the best friends around on CompuServe, the task was accomplished and Ista Six has been around for several years now.

Please feel free to wander around some of my interests in organized Pern fandom. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email.

The following are two of the Fan groups that I'm most actively involved with. Each page will list the personae that I have created along with their portraits and graphics.

Ista 6 Weyr

Ista 9 Weyr

Pern Links

Ista 6 Hompage

Ista Six Weyr Message Board

This message board will allow you to help keep in touch with contacts, exchange ideas, post files for discussion, and maintain a searchable archive of all conversations

Janus 10 Weyr

Official Homepage of Anne McCaffrey

Interesting Sites

Compuserve WebView- Come check us out in the Science Fiction/Fantasy Literature forum on Compuserve

Del Rey Books- Site to get more info on Anne's books, including her upcoming ones.

Dreamcatcher Graphics- Site where the Background used on these pages can be found

Dragon Artwork- Site where the Dragon clipart used on these pages can be found

Bull's Backgrounds,Buttons,and Bars- Site where the Bars/dividers used on these pages can be found

Last Updated April 25th, 1999

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This Pern Web Ring Site is owned by Dan Kincade
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"The names, places and descriptions and other plot elements and creations used in this WebPage are derived from works copyrighted by and trademarked by Anne McCaffrey. These are used under license and may not be used or re-used without Anne McCaffrey's permission nor without the permission of the owner of this WebPage. Any and all fictinal elements contained herein is copyrighted 1998 to Anne McCaffrey and all rights are reserved. All non-fiction material unrelated to the World of Pern and art copyrights (excepting backgrounds, dragon clipart, and bars/dividers) contained in this publication which do not depict the World of Pern are the property of the owner of this WebPage, either by his creation, or as gifts to him from various sources. "

These pages built and maintained by Jana Wright for Dan Kincade.