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This is Sandeep Jain's  home page

My name is Sandeep Jain.  I was born in a small city called Devlali (which is in Nasik).  Nasik by the name is famous for it's epic Ramayan.  It's the same place from where Sita was abducted by evil Ravana. Nasik is also famous for exporting  grapes all over the world. and having one of the biggest mint factory in India.   

My Education :

High School    from Ozhar,  (Ozhar is 20-miles away from Nasik) Ozhar is also known for having one of the eight branches of HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited).

Gradudation : Bachelors of Commerce  from BYK College of Commerce, 1993

Masters       : Masters in Business Administration, Pune 1995

Career:    I started my career with a  Software Company, located in Calcutta. This company deals mainly in Client Server and Mainframes.  I was with this company as a Administration Manager for 18 months..  This was my first exposure in the field of Computers.

My Present Company

I work for this company as a Technical Recruiter.  I came to US in May 1998.  This company is bascially a software consultng  company.  The company specializes in Client Server application  mainly Oracle, Seibel, Tuxedo etc


Father :  My father has retired from  H.A.L as the head of the Computer Division at Ozhar,Nasik Branch.  He worked with  H.A.L for more than 27 years.  Right from my childhood he has been teaching me the different phases of the life.  He is my mentor.

Mother:  My mother  is a house wife.  She is my second mentor.  Just like other mothers' she has the finest quality of the mother's touch.  She showers all her  blessing  on me  She is the  true idol of motherhood.

Wife : My wife  Parul.  I got married to her on Dec 24,1999.  It was one of my best moment in my life.  Belive me marriage is great.  . 

Sister: My sister is married.  She is living happily with her small family.  She has three precious Jewels ( my three  nephews Rishi,Vikram and Neil).  They both are very adorable and cute nephews.Also in our family there is one important person my brother - in -law.   He  also playes a vital role of my mentor. 

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