![]() En un mailing list de "The Bagpipe Report", Dutch Mantell habló sobre un incidente que ocurrió en su última estadía en PR donde luchó para la WWC. Aquí está lo que dijo: To all Dutchaholics all around the globe....and yes even in Tom Prichard's neighborhood...Dirty Dutch has returned. Thank all of you who emailed me and inquired as to my whereabouts. It is appreciated. To catch you up to speed on what's been going on...I've just returned from my annual winter trek to San Juan, Puerto Rico. I usually try to go there in January where the temperature never drops below 72 degrees.I guess several of you read about a riot that occurred there a couple weeks ago and to tell the truth... Yes, I caused it. I don't know what it is about Puerto Rican fans that make them so damn excitable. Maybe it's that famed Captain Morgan rum that does it to them; but back to the story. On this particular night as I proceeded to kick the living tar out of Carlos Colon the fans rushed the ring. As per custom in PR there are no ring-side seats and I bet there had to be close to 300 wild, out ofcontrol fans surrounding the ring.My security was basically use-less as there were just too many fans to control. They started throwing ice and whatever they could find and at close range. I got hit right dead center in my left eye which caused it to start bleeding, which then got me to thinking that maybe I needed to leave...and fast. I dodged, ducked, slithered, punched and kicked my way back to my dressing area after taking a helluva shot to the ribs. One of the fans shattered a plate glass door window which cut a security guard's arm which took 14 stitches to patch up. It was over an hour before we could leave the building. Man, it's really fun to be the center of attention!!! On a scale of 1 to 10 it was probably a 5. Actually, for Puerto Rican standards it was just another day at the office. I've been in much bigger melees before but before I make too much light of it, it is a dangerous situation and one that every wrestler who works there must be prepared for. But pondering on that thought... I don't think they teach "How to Avoid/Prepare For A Riot" in Wrestling 101. Maybe they do....I was probably asleep at thewheel during that class.