Parodies, Crossovers, and Klingon Stories

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Farenheit 452

Jean Luc makes a stand for democracy by saving fanfic from rabid bookburners! Except, of course, for that embarrassing Slash stuff...

Oh! Gee!

Jean Luc again, finally gone off the deep end... with a mop and a bucket!


Trek Or Treat

The Next Generation of Trek meets the next generation of Addamses, with mixed results. Could also be called "Wednesday and Pugsly; Happy at Last"

Time Slayer

Set during the first season of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", some TNGers and DS9ers meet Buffy and the gang. Sunnydale and the Vampiric horde have been turned to dust, so what's the problem?

Where No Legend Has Gone Before

Investigating a sign in the Bajoren sky, some of the DS9 crew find themselves in the Time of Legends beside none other than the Warrior Princess herself. A twist of fate, or a trick of the gods?

The Last Noel

A DS9 crossover of Biblical proportions... literally. The Prophets send some DS9ers back in time to defeat a Dominion plot. This is a Christmas story on the surface, but essentially a story about fate, faith, and duty.

Klingon Stories

Vortex Revisited

When the past comes to haunt you, it's not always your past. Worf must deal with his brother's unfinished business, and she's not about to give him an easy time of it.

Dawn's End

Dru Cavanaugh's back, but Worf's not quite sure what to do with her. Does she have what it takes to be a Warrior? Does he even want her to? Will Jake get a second chance? And why is Martok grinning in a particularly evil manner?

Hippocratic Honor

Dr. Julian Bashir must find the moral middle ground between his sworn duty as a doctor, and the needs of his Klingon patient. Time is of the essence, and battle is on the horizon.

Crisis of Faith

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Taken from an actual Klingon Roleplay Simulation game, this is the story of a Klingon crew facing challenges of Battle, Glory, and Honor. Loyalties are tested when truths are proved false, and impossibilities are proven to be true.

T'Laera And Purgatory

After leaving her birth home, a one time Klingon/Federation venture called Jenko's Planet, the half Klingon T'Laera must find her way in a galaxy that seems to have no place for her. Taken from the Amagosa stories, this zipped file contains the introduction of this character and the events that shaped her fate.


On an out of the way planet on the edge of Federation space, a school of sorts for mercenary space crews is run by a retired Admiral who happens to be T'Laera's "aunt". This zipped file contains all T'Laera's adventures there, on her way to her destiny.

Conquering Dark House

Kicked out of Purgatory, T'Laera and Zeb must find a new life on Qo'noS. Racial prejudice, assassination attempts, ghosts, and an evil stepmother await T'Laera. Is she equal to the task? This zipped file brings T'Laera to her "home", where she's an utter stranger to all she meets.

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