A Brief Explanation:
I became a fan of Clara Gerl's "Unearthly Love" series a little over a year ago. I'd been on the list for a while, and decided it was high time I figure out what that series was about. I was impressed with what I read, and impressed with Estella, her main character. I was so impressed, actually, that I began to wish there was a way Aeris and Estella could meet. The problem was, Clara's world was completely, totally, and in all ways unlike the world I had created for Aeris. Just goes to show you how Labyrinth Fanfic perpetuates. Two Listians watching the same movie have two entirely different impressions about where Jareth and the Labyrinth came from. Even the same Listian will have new ideas about it another time.
If you're wandering around in this archive, it seems safe to assume you know what the Herald Tales are all about. If you don't know, go here. There's an introduction to Herald, Aeris, a story spoiler (with a character list), everything you should need. Because we are in MY archive, I get to skip the long task of glossing through the entire Tales. Too bad if you don't like it;)
Clara Gerl's "Unearthly Love" series is, as I said, something else entirely. It's based on an alternate ending to Labyrinth. The Jareth in her world is a creature born of rape, cursed by Destiny to love and never be loved in return--and that woman he must love is Sarah Williams. In these stories, the Labyrinth is something Sarah created in her mind, not something that was already there, and we see that Jareth needs her dreams for his world. Her journey ends with Sarah making a deal with him. She stayed, in return for his bringing Toby back and not harming him. Jareth made her love him under a spell, and together they had a child, Jerin. But Sarah broke the spell, losing her memory of their life and their son, and left him.. Jerin grew up, and Jareth decided they needed someone else to create dreams for their world. He kidnaped a young woman, Estella, for that purpose. However, she and Jerin fell deeply in love, something Jareth hadn't counted on. Sarah camed back to the Labyrinth, vanquishing Jareth again, though Jareth tried to kill Jerin by ripping out his heart. To save him, Estella gave him part of hers, so they share the same one.
The defeated Jareth was taken to another realm by his sister, a world that was a mirror of theirs. In it, he sought and found Estella's doppleganger. Without Jerin there to save her, he could control her, and he forced her to create his new world, to carry his child. He came back to the Labyrinth, using the doppleganger in a plan to seperate Jerin and Estella. The plan failed, and the doppleganger, like Estella before her, fell in love with Jerin as well. But Jerin hated the double for what she'd done, and when she needed a name to be seperate from Estella, he gave her the name Charlatan--a fake, a phony imitation. The child she bore was Livia, and Estella adopted her for a time.
Charlatan went to live with a brother of Jareth's, still in love with Jerin and hating Jareth just as much. Jareth took Livia with him, and went to live in a world Estella dreamt up, a world of tears made by a woman who could not stop crying. Livia went against her, and the woman cursed her to be one who could not feel emotion unless she drained the others around her of theirs. Jareth in the meantime fell in love with Sarah again, and discovered that she had asked Destiny to remove his curse. Though he was no longer bound to love her, he still did. And she loved him. Estella and Jerin were eventually married, and had a son.
And that is where the Unearthly Love series is when Threads of Fate begins.
So now that that's clarified...the story.
"Labyrinth" and the characters of Jareth and Sarah are copyrighted by Henson Productions. This fanfiction is only for fun and not for profit and does not attempt to infringe on Henson's rights. The characters of Aeris, Estella, Jerin, Kirakah, Livia, The Fae Gatekeeper of Dreams, and Necrodemos are copyrighted by Clara Gerl and Alexa Close. Please email Alexa Close and/or Clara Gerl about this story