This story came to me all of a sudden while I was stocking the cooler at work.
My muse snuck up on me and just started beating me over the head with it and
I couldn't say no. I kept screaming "It'll never work, you vicious winged bitch!
Leave me alone and let me write those Herald Tales and finish Truly Outrageous!"
But she would not be denied. I've been doing this non-stop since. And now that
it's finished, I give it to you.The disclaimer for this story is special, and I'm only doing it once, so here it is:
Jareth is not in this story. He is not even mentioned by name. So if that's what
you're in the market for, I can't help you. There are many many other fics involving
Jareth that are very nice, but since the ones without him are so rare, I decided to be
very upfront and let you know from the get-go...this isn't that sort of story.If you're still with me, here's the rest of the disclaimer. Most of the ideas here come
from essays written by Elizabeth A. Allen, which can be found here. So when Tony
Maxx gets into it, let's remember that what he says comes almost word for word from
her essays (which are brilliant and I highly recommend reading them). And of course,
there's the usual Labyrinth isn't mine stuff. The story is written in the style of a journal,
and I've organized the entries by date (and time). The beginning is a little murky, so
stick with me.And before I forget, a dedication-- to Tara, who faithfully edited this for me, whether
I put in her corrections or not, and the Tony Maxx Estrogen Brigade. All one of her.
September 3rd
October 7th (1:17 am)
October 7th (7:28 am)
October 11th
October 13th
October 15th (2:01 am)
October 15th (7.24 pm)
October 16th
November 1st