Alexa's Links & Banners

(You wouldn't believe how incomplete this page is)


I Love Labyrinth!--Abbagirl's Labyrinth Site (tons of info)


Jareth's Homepage--Including Elizabeth A. Allen's brilliant essays on the film


This very well-done site also includes the script of the movie and the Labyrinth novel based on the film.


Amethyst's Labyrinth ArchiveThe Labyrinth Within the Labyrinth--Amythyst's Archive


Dreamin's archive, featuring "No One Can Blame You" and the award-winning poem "Jareth Gave me a Crystal"


Helen Fayle's award-winning tale--arguably one of the best.


The Sensual Side of the Labyrinth -Warning: Very adult content...visit at own risk

Darquesta's site--keeper page, fanfiction, even sheet music!

