It was a soft gentle night In the little town of, of, well, you're town The gentle breeze swept the streets Creating that pleasant howl that these kind town folks Have enjoyed for so many, many years The wind chimes sent their peaceful melodies Into the ears of the sleepy residents But the unusual was approaching in the distance Something evil was heading towards this small town While the residents slept, something crept Slithered and crawled its way through the quiet streets Guided by the moon light These frightening strangers set up tents and rides Shows and games, there were savage jesters And wicked ringmasters There were horrid freak shows And sights only the impending doom will witness They brung with them the carnage That they had lived with for eternity The morning is a new day The people of this town will unwillingly witness The show of their lives, only rumored to exist You will be the next to die helplessly At the Carnival of Carnage


Greetings Welcome to the gypsy of fortunes Your coin was very much appreciated And now I shall grant you your future It seems my cards of tarot have dealt you a very odd hand A hand of six jokers card, this is very rare And suggest something neusant is approaching You should be visited by a dark circus A circus that holds pain and anguish This travelling mass of evil will leave you corpse to rot While entrapping your soul to displayed at future stops Oh yes, you should also be aware that it is your own evil doings That have brought about this carnival's visit All of the sins and hatred you have cast during your life Have whipped and spun into form, the form of one One who leads this gruesome parade of pain into your life One sinister beast, one known only as RINGMASTER


Ladies and gentlemen... Welcome to your death! Now lets see where you headed. Turn the crank! And experience whats in store for you. Deep within the mighty riddle box!!!


Be warned, my children……six will visit……followed by the crumbling of time itself. Before the coming of Shangra La, a dark Carnival will sweep across the land, as a shadow, plagued with destruction. A parade of freaks, jugglers, and death. This wretched nightmare is led by six faces. Three have come…three have gone. The fourth emerges…now. He walks among us as a shadow, void of light, powered by your own darkness, strengthened by your own wickedry. A horrid reflection of your very own deep desires cast and reflected back upon yourself. Brothers and Sisters! The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of…The Great Milenko…Milenko…Milenko