Kaylarin - 10/18/99 00:11:26
My URL:/Athens/Aegean/1290
My Email:sendarahicker@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: No boom today, boom tomorrow, there's always a boom tomorrow or Always look for TP before you sit down
Your favorite book: Shakespearean Sonnets and Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series
Your favorite food: Chef Boyardee Raviole
Hi Ravin! I still haven't been able to think of anything to write here, so... Anyway, I was tempted to put squid in it's own ink for my favorite food just because it sounds cool, but i wouldn't eat squid if my life depended on it. Sea food is gross. O
, I fulfilled my duty and signed the book. Aren't you prood of me.
Jean - 05/09/99 06:31:30
My Email:jmc_cme2@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: live and let live
Your favorite book: science fiction
Your favorite food: don't really have a favorite I don't like much seafood
Unicorn_Ryder42 - 04/18/99 05:04:52
My Email:Unicorn_Ryder42@yahoo.com
Your favorite quote: can't think of one right now
Your favorite book: The Elf Queen, by Terry Brooks
Your favorite food: Prime Rib
This is the first time that i have visited your page my frined sent me the url for it and it is a great site i will have to spend more time here when i can find it.
Kyrianna Suzerain Rue - 04/09/99 00:59:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/4051
My Email:honeybear_starlet@yahoo.com
Your favorite quote: It is when we forget ourselves that we do the things that are most remembered.
Your favorite book: Any and everything by Raymond E. Feist, the Darkangel Trilogy by Margaret Ann Pierce, the Vampire Diaries by L.J.Smith, and of course, Where the Wild Things Are
Your favorite food: Thanksgiving Dinner!
Hello there, my husband...*snicker*
I've seen this network of pages spread until it's an impressive array of people and information. It's absolutely beautiful, to be honest. Something to live up to...? Keep up the good work, and I'll be passing along information and things as time goes on,
o be sure.
Kalren - 01/21/99 06:07:07
My Email:Kalren@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: Time is ageless, yet age is nothing without time - Merik Dalitar
Your favorite book: Tome of the ancient power
Your favorite food: Rahmin leaves
Greetings Ravin rue. I am a traveller who frequents the medieval Inn. Very nice site you have here.
Aegis - 10/24/98 05:24:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ia/Seeker/index.html
My Email:seeker_aegis@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: "I know not how I may seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge, every now and the
finding a small bright pebble with which to content myself..." -- Plato
Your favorite book: I've many favorites...but I can think of one that excels beyond all others. Lord of the Rings-- J.R.R. Tolkien
Your favorite food: So many questions...and here I thought that I was the inquisitive one...
I found my visit to be most interesting, my friend. I look forward to writing with you on the boards! I've been reading your characters, and I'm quite impressed. Very nicely done...you've my compliments to both writing and web design...
Margaret Rose Sutton "The waif" - 10/23/98 05:14:33
My URL:http://www.I'mluckyIcanfigureouthowtochatletalonehaveawebpage.
My Email:jennandisaac@3lefties.com
Your favorite quote: "Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Your favorite book: "Outlander" Diana Gabaldon "The Mists of Avalon" Marion Zimmer Bradley
Your favorite food: Hands down Prime Rib of Beef , Medium, with a nice glass of wine....
"Ach Ravin, 'ow good ye 'ave been ta me. A friend indeed......an' it's grateful I am to ye."
Adriana - 10/22/98 01:00:53
My Email:spider_weeping@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: "I wish only to see the ocean....To be the least part of the ocean's imagining, as I have for so long imagined it...." -- Peter S. Be
Hello? It comforts me that there are no villains about, as I've had quite my fill of those. No gods, either, I see -- Perhaps I shall seek refuge here in the future, if you will have me. Until then, you will find me in the Medieval Tavern. Good day....
Chrysalis Alar - 10/22/98 00:53:47
My Email:spider_weeping@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: "Every journey leads to a different nightmare." -- David Henry Wilson
Your favorite book: anything by Peter S. Beagle
Your favorite food: anything but sugar-water (wink)
Salve! -- I like the page, my friend, and I look forward to new developments. I continue to enjoy writing with you, despite the remorseless demands of time. Take care and be well, my friend. I have the honour of being your most humble and obedient servant
Chrysalis -- Vale!
Khallryn - 10/20/98 19:38:10
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Avien/index.html
My Email:Delena_Kine@yahoo.com
Your favorite quote: We are all children of the Is. Imagine the universes in all their splendour, majesty, perfection, and possibility. Then realize that the Is ha
imagined it far better.
Your favorite book: Anything written by the almighty Raymond E. Feist
Your favorite food: If it's made by my hands, it's a favorite!
Hello, Marz, Ravin, and Nicklar. This is truly a promising haven to visit. I'm going to have to remember it. Also, whenever you need a cozy bed to sleep in, with a pretty, affectionate woman to keep you warm...but we'll make sure not to tell Avien!
Marquis de Carabas - 10/19/98 20:29:41
My Email:Carabas55@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: De Carabas, at your service, and you are...?
Your favorite book: 101 ways to get rich
Your favorite food: Roast chicken in a red wine sauce and steamed vegetables
Good afternoon, Lovely site you have here,
I'll have to frequent it more often and take a look at some possible customers for my rather...unique...services.
Emil - 10/19/98 01:18:22
Your favorite quote: " What are we ? the damned children of Cain ? the grotesque lords of humanity ? the pitiful wertches of eternal hell ? we are Vampires and that is enough "
Your favorite book: Hamlet
Your favorite food: fresh, hot baked bread and good red wine.
Greetings. You have some nice stuff around here, it would be such a pity if it were to be stolen.
Anyway I may see you around in the tavern some day.
Aine - 10/19/98 00:19:51
My Email:kris@isys.ca
Your favorite quote: " The night is thick like fog and the day is bright as fire and they said there is nothing in the dark that isn't in the light but I feel the devil chasing me...
nd all i see are their shadows."
Your favorite book: Of Saints and Shadows, Angel souls and Devil hearts, Masks and Martyrs, Neverwhere, Midsummers Night Dream, um, there are more of course...
Your favorite food: Salmon and roe on rice with wasabe and teriaki with greens and onions.
Interesting place you have here, I would stay longer and look around, but that grump of a head mage Falundir will skin me if I stay away too long.
Corum - 10/18/98 22:08:08
Your favorite quote: Yorik I knew him well.
Your favorite book: None that I can think about.
Your favorite food: Too many to choose
Yo Marz, What's happenin dude? Just checked out your pad and it seems pretty cool. We'll have to do something neat one of these days. Maybe stab Tauk with that dagger Chrys gave you. Only problem is maybe we should get a couple of them so he never wakes u
. Talk to you later. Oh, Yorik says hello.
Corum...........& Yorik
Arcanum Tabar - 10/18/98 21:46:25
My Email:arcanum_tabar@yahoo.com
Your favorite quote: Some women can be fooled all of the time, and all women can be fooled some of the time, but the same woman can't be fooled by the same man
n the same way more than half of the time.
Your favorite food: It makes no difference as long as there's a beautiful lady involved.
Ravin: I must compliment you on a wonderful haven. Very quaint and hospitable. However, when I visited, I noted the absence of women here. I find this totally unacceptable. You and I will have to work on this slight fault of yours.
Until we meet in the inn again take care and remember what I told you.
Arcanum Tabar
Erlic Eastlore - 10/18/98 19:18:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Erlic/index.html
My Email:erlic@prodigy.net
Your favorite quote: One's path is the true source of one's life
Your favorite book: The Icewindale Trilogy
Your favorite food: Gniochi
Yo Ravin. Nice place you've got here. You do realize that the two of us will have to converse with a so called "friend" who has a very interesting organization. Meet me at the Medieval Tavern and we'll discuss a mutual agreement that will benefit all of u
without any obligations.
Later....Erlic Eastlore
Azaya Galantra - 10/18/98 19:09:55
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~kartha/index.html
My Email:azaya@prodigy.net
Your favorite quote: Imagination is everything
Your favorite book: Too many to pick one
Your favorite food: Healthy choice (lol)
Hi Ravin,
Nice to see you finally have the page up and running. It looks good so far. Keep up the good work. And remember, there's a free mug of ale waiting for you at the tavern!!