
Torn 'tween duty for his Majesty the King,
for whom he'd lay his life,
And this yearning ache that beset his heart,
for Guinevere -The King's future wife.
How to possibly go on his way,
with strife shadowed in his brow,
Ne'er mention feelings better left unspoke,
or pour his heart out now?

Courage, Loyalty, Valor, Pride!
These the teachings he had learned...
How could he be his King's right hand,
most valiant and brave of knights?
Expected to lead, no questions asked,
the most perilous quests and fights
When deep inside, his heart didst skip,
at the slightest glimpse of her grace,
And endless nights he lay awake,
longing to gently caress her face.
To draw her near, hold her close,
smell the fragrance of her hair,
And feel her body pressed to his,
and touch her skin so fair.
Oh, to savor the taste of her lips!
A kiss for which time stands still !!
So that for the rest of eternity,
of her beauty he could take his fill.
And maybe passion ere wouldst bloom,
like a rainbow from a storm.
And arc across the distance 'tween them,
and melt them into one form.

To share that precious moment,
Lancelot did so wish come true,
and share with Guinevere all his dreams,
as he so wished he could do.
But how would King Arthur take such stance,
villianny so close to heart,
Especially from one so close to him,
as Lancelot had been from start?
Couldst friend betray another one,
the consequences tossed aside?
Or was the love of one fair maiden worth the price and pride?
He could not choose, and so pact did seal,
with gods at next tough fight,
That if loving Guinevere was so wrong,
then by foe he would be smite.
But if it were by some chance to be,
his love for her was destiny,
Then by the gods, with all his strength,
would return in victory!

But during battle he wouldst fight,
no fear or cowardice show,
and give the gods full measure
with which to decide if it would be so.
So thus some weeks, or months did pass...
days flew in such a heap,
But Lancelot was home at last,
climbing steps up castle's keep.
Weary from the long hard fight,
and drained of all his will,
Till finally he saw Guinevere,
and with love his heart didst fill...
A pounding rush thru brain and bone,
strength ne'er known in all his life!
And when she ran to him and kissed him,
he knew she'd be his wife.......
For it was their Destiny...
