Last updated: 06/17/01
Last Update - Probably the last
(This created with 1024 x 768 resolution)
Well everyone, it was a day that was destined to come at one time or another. The end of the best band in SLC, Helium Bomb. I, Jason, would like to thank everyone that came out to all the shows and especially the people that were always there to help, you know who you are. It was a fun 5 years. From the time Dan Luskin told us we WILL be named Helium Bomb, then months later commited suicide, to the last big show at the Junction Theater in shitty Ogden, Utah, we always had fun. Special thanks to Mike Jones, who along with me formed the band and stayed true to the music all this time. To Nate, Dick, Mike and Joey, who all contributed their own guitar styles to the band, to Zach for being an asshole and in that tradition being the only decent bass player we ever had, and lastly to Jon Brown and Mike Crane who came to every goddamn show we ever played! Thanks. In about a month Geocities announced they will stop providing free web pages and the Helium Bomb legacy will be remembered only in our minds, and my email account. Thanks to everyone, and as Ozzy once said so prophetically. I'll see ya, see ya on the other side!
- Jason Davis
Drunk sheep are funny.
Visit the Jason is a
bitch for attempting to be funny on Halloween page. Click Here
(I did not have anything to do with this)
$50 to anyone that gets these cocks to kill themselves. Their long gone anyway, but just the fact that they dared to challenge us shoud be punished by death.
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(Geocities made me do this, cocksuckers!)
Helium Bomb is:
.... Mike ... Lead
Singer/Lead Guitar / Alcoholic, Self Absorbed, Horny, Asshole (BIO)
......... Jason ... Drummer
/ ShitPix Webmaster (BIO)
... ......... Zach... Bass / Building Lord Fignars empire!
We have one fan, and he goes out and creates a whole fucking site dedicated to us! Funny shit, but a little outdated.
Click above to visit Matt's Helium Bomb Tribute Page!
Supra Pride Baby!
Complaints, ideas, comments? Fuck off then e-mail us....
We have electronicly sodomized people