Complete set of Premier (BB). No fixed price, make me an offer.
Future Enterprise. Also, no fixed price.
Welcome to my trade page DEDICATED to ST:CCG.
All cards are in M/NM condition and I would expect the same in any trade.
Most of the WB cards are '94. There are a number of '95.
If you need to know if a particular card is '94 or '95, just ask.
Some of the cards I have both (just didn't want to make another list).
Any cards*, listed in this way, are currently in a trade. All other cards are open to trades.
As well as the cards listed below
I have commons and uncommons from every set (except Q-Continuum).
Even BB Premier (Don't ask for any Kevin's or Amanda's.
I am a Lt. Commader inG.A.B.'s Irish Green Team.
You can check outG.A.B's bad trader list.
and contact information at the bottom of the page.
I'm actually going to start playing this game, as opposed to just collecting it.
Therefore, though I'm listing all cards that I have more than one of, some will be cards that I would want to hold
onto for the purposes of playing.
That doesn't mean it wouldn't be for trade, but that it may take a little extra to pry it from me.
Such cards would mostly be good dilemmas, events and interupts.
Otherwise, I doubt I would have any problems parting with other cards.
So, if you're here, let's do some trading!
Open one of the boosters below to see what I have for trade.
OOps... this stopped working... just scroll down.
Star Trek, DS9, Voyager are all trademark and copyright, Paramount Pictures, Inc.
- Albert Einstein
- Beverly Crusher
- Beverly Crusher (Silver Border)
- Data
- Data (Silver Border)
- Deanna Troi
- Deanna Troi (Silver Border)
- Dr. LaForge
- Dr.Leah Brahms
- Geordi LaForge
- Geordi La Forge (Silver Border)
- Jean-Luc Picard (Silver Border)
- K'Ehleyr
- Leah Brahms
- Lwaxanna Troi
- Morgan Bateson
- Neela Daren
- Reginald Barclay
- Richard Galen
- Ro Laren
- Sarek
- Satelk
- Shelby
- Sir Issac Newton
- Tam Elbrum
- Tasha Yar
- Tasha Yar (Silver Border)
- Thomas Riker
- Vash
- Wesley Crusher
- Wesley Crusher (Silver Border)
- William T. Riker
- William T. Riker (Silver Border)
- Worf
- Worf (Silver Border)
- USS Brittain
- USS Enterprise
- USS Hood
- USS Phoenix
- USS Yamato
- B'Etor
- Gowron
- Kurn
- IKC Buruk
- IKC Hegh'ta
- IKC Pagh
- Tomalak
- Pi
- Roga Danar
- Evaluate Terraforming
- Extraction
- Investigate Alien Probe
- Investigate Rogue Comet
- Investigate Time Continuum
- Pegasus Search
- Sarthong Plunder
- Study "Hole in Space"
- Study Lonka Pulsar
- Study Nebula
- Wormhole Negotiations
- Interphase Generator
- Kurlan Naiskos
- Thought Maker
- Tox Uthat
- Varon-T Disrupter
- Armus - Skin of Evil
- Barclay's Portomorphosis Disease
- Ktarian Game
- Nagilum
- Tsiolkovsky Infection
- Wind Dancer
- Anti-Time Anomaly
- Bynars Weapon Enhancement
- Goddess of Empathy
- Lore's Fingernail
- Supernova
- Warp Core Breach
- Crosis
- Hugh
- Jaglom Shrek - Information Broker
- The Devil
- Beverly Picard
- Ian Andrew Troi
- Jack Crusher
- Rachel Garret
- Tasha Yar-Alternate
- USS Enterprise-C
- Govenor Worf
- K'Mtar
- IKC Fek'lhr
- Commander Tomalak
- Major Rakal
- Stefan Deseve
- Decius
- Berlingoff Rasmussen
- Data's Body
- Dathon
- Edo Vessel
- Compromised Mission
- Diplomatic Conference
- FGC-47 Research
- Quash Conspiracy
- Reunion
- Risa Shore Leave
- Warped Space
- Iconian Gateway
- Ophidian Cane
- Samuel Clemen's Pocket Watch
- Devidian Door
- Coalescent Organism
- Interrogation
- Revolving Door
- Wartime Conditions
- Seize Wesley
- Vorgon Raiders
- Echo Papa 607 Killer Drone
- Data
- Deanna Troi
- Worf
- Queen's Borg Cube
- Queen's Borg Sphere
- Lily Sloane
- Phoenix
- Espionage Mission
- Montanna Missile Complex
- Antique Machine Gun
- Zefram Cochrane's Telescope
- My First Raygun
- Ooby Dooby
- Abandon Mission
- Wall of Ships
- Borg Neuroprocessor
- Shipwreck
- Assimilate Homeworld
- Build Interplexing Beacon
- Benjamin Sisko
- Jake and Nog
- Julian Bashir
- USS Yangtzee Kiang
- Bariel Antos
- Kai Opaka
- Kira Nerys
- Mora Pol
- Neela
- Odo
- Shakaar Edon x 4
- Surmak Ren
- Vedek Winn
- Chamber of Ministers x 2
- Deep Space 9
- Bo'rak
- D'Ghor
- Grilka
- Morka
- Yeto
- IKC Toh'Kaht
- Karina
- Selveth
- Cha'Joh
- Aamin Morritza
- Borad
- Dukat
- Elim Garak
- Enabran Tain
- Gilora Rejal
- Kovat
- Makbar
- Natima Lang
- Plain, Simple Garak
- Tekeny Ghemor
- Tora Ziyal
- Toran
- Turrel
- Altovar
- Martus Mazur
- Retaya
- Zef'No
- Investigate Rumours
- Symbiont Diagnosis
- Alien Gambling Device
- Saltah'Na Clock
- Airlock
- Secret Compartment
- Garak's Tailor Shope
- DNA Clues
- Garak Has Some Issues
- No Loose Ends
- Seismic Quake
- Trauma
- Automated Security System
- Defiant Dedication Plaque
- Duranja
- Baseball
- Protouniverse
- The Walls Have Ears
- Establish Tractor Lock
- HQ: Return Orb to Bajor
- Plans of the Tal Shiar
- Rescue Personnel
- Admiral Leyton x 2
- Jaresh-Inyo
- Keogh
- Michael Eddington
- USS Rio Grande x 2
- Office of the President
- Kai Winn x 4
- Zayra x 2
- Martok
- The Great Hall x 2
- Office of the Proconsul x 2
- Damar x 3
- Garak
- Borath x 2
- Founder Leader x 3
- Goran'Agar x 2
- Kilana x 4
- Kira Founder x 2
- Keevan
- Martok Founder x 3
- O'Brien Founder x 2
- Remata'Klan x 3
- Omet'iklan
- Ixtana'Rax
- Yelgren x 2
- The Great Link x 2
- 10 and 01 x 2
- Empok Nor x 2
- Betazed Invasion
- Croden's Key
- Chula: The Chandra x 2
- Founder Secret
- Sleeper Trap x 3
- Admiral Ross
- Donald Varley
- Jadzia Dax
- Kang
- Kor
- Chief O'Brien
- Goraxus
- Odo Founder
- Chart Stellar Cluster x 3
- Sword of Kahless
- E-Band Emissions
- Outgunned
- Long Live the Queen
- Maximum Firepower x 2
- Target These Coordinates x 2
- Fajo's Gallery
- Borg Cutting Beam
- Kang
- Sword of Kahless
- Goraxus
- Quark Son of Keldar
- Dr. Telek R'Mor
- Thomas Paris
- Fajo Cards
- Two Player Game Previews
- Amanda and Kevin
- Razka Karn
- Q's Tents
- Good Dilemmas, Events, and Interupts
- Enrique Muniz
- Ilon Tandro
- Miles O'Brien
- Riker Wil
- Kavok
- I.K.C. Lukara
- Ambassador Tomalak
- Parthok
- Senator Letant
- Elim
- Gul Madred
- Blood Oath
- Torture
- Impersonate Captive
This list doesn't automatically preclude other trades.
If you see something you like, send me a list of what you have, and I'll look it over.
Tap to see my available

Or, feel free to contact me via ICQ.
My UIN is... 613980
I promise not to growl.
Am I a good guy? Well... yeah! But don't take MY
word for it. Ask these kind people who agreed to be my
Because it seems you can't have a page without a counter...
Thanks to MIKE MCLEOD for the opening graphic of this page, Paul's Power Play(ce).
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