IKV TevveS

The Flagship of the Black Star Quadrant!

The IKV TevveS is the Imperial Klingon Vessel operating in the Middletown, Ohio, Sector. We, the crew of the IKV TevveS, have banded together to conquer this region of space for the purpose of having fun, maintaining loyalty and unified front, and helping those in our sector who might need it. We have participated in Games Night, Star Trek Conventions, raising money for Charities, Blood Drives, batleth tournaments, putt tournaments, and the like.
We hold bi-weekly meetings to keep in touch with one another and to plan for upcoming events that we may want to do or become involved in. Our meeting place changes regularly, so if you're interested in coming, email Zarcon and ask when and where the next meeting is going to be. We're looking for a few good warriors! The faint of heart need not bother.

Meet the Crew

Commanding Officer:
Fleet Captain Zarcon duv-zantai-Ta'raH (Todd Bowman)
Chief of Security/Commandant of Marines
Brigidier General Koloth sutai-K'mtaQ (Tom Barr)
Chief Engineer
Senior Lieutenant Zorn vestai-K'mtaQ (Sam McCullough)
Transporter Chief/Marines
Lieutenant Colonel K'Shayla tai-sumai-K'mtaQ (Michaela McCullough)
Tactical Officer/Marines
Captain K'tul duv-vestai-Ta'raH (Cordell Brown)
Chief Medical Officer/Marines
1st Lieutenant J'tarra tai-vesmai-Val (Jobi Yeary)
Chief Weapons Officer
2nd Lieutenant Toq'thor duv-vestai-Am'ra (Ben Moore)
Ensign Laurana akhtai-vavbe'rop (April Moore)
Communications Officer/Marines
Private 1st Class N'vaH ahktai-K'mtaQ (Heaven Daily)
Strategic Operations/Marines
Gunnery Sargeant Gar-goyle tai-vesmai-vavbe'rop (Mike Schleutker)
Morale Officer/Marines
Staff Seargent K'laari akhtai-Anex (Laurie Weingartner)
1st Lieutenant Kla tai-Mut'lok (Mike Gilbert)
Ensign Vekma akhtai-D'Qor (Stephanie Gilbert)
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