Name: Vlad Kamaitachi Meiru

Race: Kyuujin

What's a Kyuujin?:

       A Kyuujin is a being from a different dimension. They are conceived in an unorthodox fashion, instead of the generic sex detail. The Kyuujin possess the power to manipulate a certain element, depending on which section of the dimension they were born.

      Their strength is rather average for the beginning years of their life, so they rely more on their speed. When a Kyuujin reaches.. oh.. 1,000 years of age, they become blessed with a great strength. Their speed can be known to increase rapidly, and their endurance is practically doubled. Though they are still undeveloped in this stage.

      When a Kyuujin hits 1,500, they start to develop their true power. Depending on where they were conceived, the Kyuujin will be able to control aspects of certain elements. Due to the rigors of the training they receive in this area, most Kyuujin never live past the first hundred years of training.

      Upon their 2,000th year of life, the Kyuujin gains the ability to choose where he/she wants to head in his life. He/she may either stay with his/her family in their dimension, or he/she may choose to head out into other realms of existence.

    When a Kyuujin reaches 2,500, if they have done enough in their life, and have a great power, they become somewhat xenomorphic, and become imbued with a form change. This form change is called Xero(Share-oh) and causes a dramatic increase in power, speed, and can double the effect of the elemental powers that Kyuujin has control of.

     Luckily for any Kyuujin to reach 5,000, they gain the ability to rip through the dimension and go back and forth between their own home dimension.
Why is Vlad supernatural?:

Okay, I've been asked this question before, and I'd like to clarify before I start, that MOST Kyuujin are only 3d. Vlad is different however. To begin with, he isn't just the typical Kyuujin.

    Back in the Kyuujin dimension, there was a legend that went around. The legend spoke of one who, born of unspoken events, would come to lead the Kyuujin to rise. Vlad is the legend they spoke of. The "Unspoken Events" were Vlad's parents.

Each were of different element manipilators, leaving Vlad blessed with control of two elements. The government in their dimension decreed that if they found anyone doing the same, they'd be executed with their child. Vlad was free of this fate because his father was king of the Kyuujin people.

Vlad was to be placed into the Kyuujin army at the age of 500. Around this time, Vlad's father was ordering missions left and right. Vlad usually volunteered and eventually became a famed warrior among the Kyuujin race.

By his 1000th year, Vlad had grown to become a general in the army. This was Vlad's time of coming, you see, and his strength increased greatly. No one really knew that Vlad had been spurned from two different elemental Kyuujin. They revered him with a great respect, and would follow his orders completely.
Great things were heard about Vlad's escapades. The king one day came to the knowledge of a legendary weapon. The weapon was rumored to rest  in a far-off mountain left by an  ancient Kyuujin civilization. Vlad was ordered by his father to go and retrieve this weapon. With the special unit he had put together, Vlad went into the mountain and was unheard of for two hundred years.

In this time, a war between Kyuujin factions began to rage, and a rebellion began to rise. The king had been struck with grief, and had decided to pour our more children trying to replace his missing son. He was delighted when Vlad came back. Delighted.. only for an instant.

In that instant, the weapon which Vlad had sought ripped through the king's body and tore him in half. That night, a blood-bath of the Royal family began. He only left a dozen of his known brothers and sisters alive.This weapon.. the "Evening of Pain" as it was called, took away part of his soul and made him into a violent machine.

Vlad spent the next 400 years surviving on his own. He became the proverbial "Prey" as he fled through the mountains where he had originally disappeared. It was coming time for him to leave. All he had to do was last another 400 years.

200 years passed by, as if in an instant. Vlad emerged as the most powerful of the Kyuujin race. He had amassed power, had grown through training and surviving, and was the literal Kyuujin Legend. He took the throne from the new King, and no one withstood him. Who could? He'd kill any who tried. A large portion of the army supported him. They knew him.

One hundred years passed quickly. Vlad had yet to choose a bride. Sure, there were potential Kyuujin women. He just didn't find them appealing. It wouldn't be until some time where Vlad would find someone.

It came to the last five years before he was able to leave his dimension. Those years were spent in stealth training, preparing himself for the outside world. The time came, and Vlad chose to leave. He carried with him only his clothing, and his weapon. It was time for him to become known.
Kyuujin Year of Life = 4 Days IRL
Vlad = (4 years of RP) = 3000
(Mucho thanks to S-chan for drawing this one for me. I will have a new Vlad picture up pretty soon as well. This cute small one will prolly pop up every now and then.)