Leveling! |
I can only begin with these thoughts. Leveling is going to be something very simple and rewarding, not only to you, but to the character as well. It's a way to power up and enjoy yourself. It's when you gain experience enough to meet a certain requirement. Here's the trick, though.. It has to be XP gained only through SLing. And to do that, it means you need to RP. When you feel you have met the requirements, you need to send an application from the applications page to Drizzt. Without much more explanation, as it is that simple. Here is leveling requirements and benefits. Requirements for Level 2: 10,000XP - Gain 10% your current HP - Gain 10% your current MP - Gain another spell if class allows it - Gain 20,000 GP if below d70 Requirements for Level 3: 20,000xp - Gain 10% current HP *OR* MP - Gain another skill if class allows it - Gain 20,000 GP if below d75 Requirements for Level 4: 30,000xp - Gain 20,000 gold - Gain 2 skills OR 2 spells if class allows it - Opportunity to Quest for an Elemental Enhancer - Gain 20,000 GP if below d75 Requirements for Level 5: 50,000xp - Gain a free enhancer worth up to the GP you possess - Gain 10% current HP *OR* MP - Gain 3 ability points* - Gain 20,000 GP if below d83 Requirements for Level 6: 75,000xp - Gain 20,000 GP if below d90 - Gain Signature move** Requirements for Level 7: 100,000xp - Gain 5% Current HP or MP - Gain a free enhancer worth up to the GP you possess - Gain 1 Skill or Spell as class allows - Gain 20,000 GP if below d90 Requirements for Level 8: 150,000xp - Gain 10% current GP - Gain 1 ability point - Gain 1 Skill or Spell as class allows - Gain 20,000 GP if below d91 Requirements for Level 9: 200,000xp - Gain 20% current GP - Gain 1 ability point - Gain 1 Skill or Spell as class allows - Gain 20,000 GP if below d91 Requirements for Level 10: 300,000xp - Gain 15% HP, MP, and GP - Gain 5 ability points* - Gain 3 skills or Spells as class allows - Gain 50,000 GP if below d93 - Gain opportunity for hidden class(Speak to Drizzt) *Must be spread out no more than 2 points to the same score. **Signature move will be something that you will create. It may be a skill, an attack, a spell. Be creative and submit it to Drizzt. If it gets approved, you will have a unique move! One that no one may copy! |