Fox-Core, The Wrist Computer of the Taizuko Raifu.
- Scan -
The program for Fox-Core to scan said target and give vitality statistics, and compile information upon the person.
- Weapons Control -
The program used to activate the weapons built into the Taizuko Raifu's armor when he wears it.
- Programs -
- Invisibility -
The newest program installed within Fox-Core, designed for it only. It allows the Wrist computer to cloak itself and become an invisible working thing so it may work or repair.
- Vitality -
Probably the first program made for Fox-Core, it enables the monitering of The Taizuko Raifu's vital statistics and displays it upon the moniter.
- Voice Command -
The second program made for Fox-Core, it enables the Taizuko Raifu to command the programs and talk to Fox-Core with his voice authorization.
- Computer imput -
- DSoR -
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- HC Head of Guild Relations -
The Compendium
- Below are the statistics and information all compiled about Various people and creatures encountered by the Taizuko Raifu.