Truth of Order

A role-play forum

High Council -

Forum Leader - Drizzt Do'Urden
Assassin Supervisor - Vlad Kamatachi Meiru
Lord Mage - Not yet chosen.
Advisor - Not yet chosen.
Advisor - Not yet chosen.
Forum Executioner - Not yet chosen.
Treasurer - Not yet chosen.
Racial Auditing - Not yet chosen.
Head of Priests - Not yet chosen.
Character Sheet Analyst -
War/Campaign Director - Not yet chosen.
Quest Writer - Drzzt Do'Urden
Quest Writer - Not yet Chosen.
Quest Writer - Not yet Chosen.
Enhancer Supervisor - Alak Freafin
Enhancer Supervisor - Not yet chosen.
Dice Master - Alak Freafin
Head of Thieves Guild - Not yet chosen.
    This forum was created in the hopes of everyone having fun, and to role-play. What will be unique about this forum is that most of the XP gaining will be done through the use of either large or small SLs created by the players, and the high council. An example of this would be that if you were to RP out a simple scenario based in a cavern that was decently in depth and played out, NPCs included, you would gain a certain amount of XP depending on what you specifically do.

  This site is not yet complete, so please.. don't be alarmed.
Character Creation
Races and Bonuses
Abilities and how they're used
Experience gaining
SLing and RP
Character List
Building an Army