RP History of Vlad Kamaitachi Meiru (I am missing some things. Don't kill me for it.)
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From the beginning of his RP Existence, Vlad has been a useful ally. It all began with the simple day of entering the Seventh Heaven Bar. It was well into Mid-day when Vlad decided he had wanted a drink. At this time, his powers were beginning to develop, and he only had with him a minimal armament of spells, and his blade. Yet, the silence of the bar had been interrupted by a fight. It was the first time Vlad had ever seen death upon reaching this dimension, and had begun to think that there was no one there to challenge. This proved false when he watched Reno Frost murder a carbon copy of himself. It was at this time that Vlad decided Reno would be a useful ally.

Vlad followed Reno secretly for a few days, before actually approaching the man with an offer to join his corporation. Upon entry into the "Neo-ShinRa Corporation," Vlad was made SOLDIER 3rd class. He quickly took a liking to the job, and supported the company with all he could. He began to grow very loyal to Reno Frost. It was at this time that Vlad had been propositioned by someone outside of the NSC. For an entire month, Vlad underwent his own mission of secretly spying and uncovering a plot that a dozen or so men had to murder Reno. Reno found this out, though, and outrightly accused this man and Vlad. Vlad came away with his life, luckily, but the other did not.

After this, Reno promoted Vlad to 2nd Class SOLDIER, for his work. He began to be more of a role model for Vlad, who volunteered for each mission that was open. These missions included taking down enemy bases, and fighting against Neo-Ava, who happened to be the biggest threat against NSC. Unbeknownst to him, Vlad had befriended one of the Neo-Ava higher ups, Yuffie Kisaragi. He and Yuffie grew rather close before he really found out that the girl was a part of his enemy. At Reno's order, he tortured the woman, and captured two of her comrades, who were summarily murdered. Reno had become Vlad's mentor at this point.

Vlad met Soria Kou soon after this. Soria was soon taken a liking to Vlad, and he her. They became good friends, and eventually got together. Time was good to them, and before long, they were promised to marry each other. However.. on the day of their marriage, Vlad was left at the altar. This was an emotional scar for the rather kind man. Vlad's friends tried to help him out, but.. it was to no avail. It was here that he met NeXiMuS HeLlZwInD.

This point was the time that Vlad had also met the leader of Neo-Ava, whom he really didn't dislike, but didn't like, either. Lina Inverse. Yet it didn't matter, for when ordered to fight Lina(In a slave match) he did so. Even though he lost, and was captured, Lina did not kill him. While we won't go into detail what she did to him, Vlad was sort of scarred and extremely angry at the injustice she had shown him. This made him very cold, and when he was released, he tried to slay the woman. Instead, he settled for devouring one of her friends. Soon enough, Lina disappeared from the world for a few years. Vlad was promoted to 1st Class SOLDIER. He was promiscuous at this time. So much that he and a friend named Kloud, had a contest to see who could have the most women in a month.

Reno and Vlad grew angry with each other for one reason or another at this point, and a fateful fight took place for their lives. As the lightning crashed, Vlad and Reno met in combat. With a desperate maneuver, Vlad had taken Reno's life for but a few hours. Aya and the others had been horribly upset, but Vlad was satisfied that he'd be the only one to ever kill Reno in hand to hand combat. He'd see to this.

The day came where the NSC instituted it's newest group. The Turks Five. The Turks Five consisted of Five members.. Travixus, Evani Penn, Jules Koch, Gray Galik, and Rico Daine. Vlad had become the head of Reno's assassins, and lead in the MGA Forum the Head Assassin Position. By chance meeting, Vlad and Travixus met. Vlad had been requested by Travixus to teach him and the other Turk Five the finer arts of stealth and murder. Vlad and Travixus took instant liking to each other, and became partners of sorts, going around, and fighting. Visiting bars and other establishments. At a time, Travixus was attacked by a barbarian. Vlad hopped into that fight, and the sheer fury of someone damaging a friend sent enough power into his boot to knock the mans skull from his shoulders with a spinning kick.

Days flew by, and Vlad even was given the chance to prove himself against one of the deadliest enemies of all time. THE Recoom of DBZC. Recoom had never been beaten before, and had destroyed many opponents. In a hard-fought battle, Vlad defeated the Mutant in combat, and took his head. Vlad had been so proud of himself that, when Neximus soon offered up for a Death Match with him, he accepted. (At this time, Vlad was d90 and Nex d97)

Vlad soon met Cain and Gale Arashi Xeal. The three became decent friends, and had many battles. Gale was there for when Vlad slaughtered many people, and Vlad was there to watch Gale battle who he would. The three became close allies, and soon enough, formed a triumvirate that no one seemed able to breach for the longest time. Vlad drew away from this after an incident with a certain Saiyajin and a woman. Women were always the downfall.

The fight lasted for quite a while, and Vlad emerged victorious. Vlad, however, helped to get Neximus revived, and the two became somewhat friends. This time, an older acquaintance showed herself again. Soria M Kaoru. She was to wed the man who led ShinRa Inc, a place Vlad did not like because they threatened NSC. The battles were long, and finally, Vlad had been fed up. While she was unknowing, Vlad slipped down from the sky, and his blade, Itami no Zenya, ripped into her angelic form. Vlad's first meal really began here. He devoured her, including wings. Her head was saved, however, and placed upon his christmas tree as an ornament.

It was time to leave NSC, though, and join the Inv. The Inv, or inverse, was a great place for a budding assassin to begin his career, and Vlad was amazing at it. When the time came for war, Vlad led almost every assassination held against the enemy guild, the Balamb Garden. Many deaths were given in this time, and Vlad was in control of much at this point. So much, that he began to revel in the death. He had many acquaintances, contacts, and friends at this point. The leader of the guild, had been his partner for most things. Travixus had been a valued friend the entire time. Vlad still assissted Reno, though. Even in the killing of Reno's own wife, Aya Avalyn Brea. But this was not until much later.

There was a time where Vlad and Reno had detatched, and there had been an attempt on the Kyuujin's life. The assassins were Reno, Aya, and Cid. He'd never forget this incident. The attempt failed, though, and instead of taking the life of three deadly people, Vlad had mercy enough to let them go with their life. Much later, though.. Vlad would take the life of Cid's wife, Ashlyn Highwind. After this, Vlad was careful enough never to leave without a bodyguard along. He grew more in power, and as he aged, gained access to many more spells.

This had apparently pissed Reno off, for he came for Vlad's life. In an epic battle, Reno emerged victorious upon the shore to Vlad's sea of Lava. The sea revived Vlad, though, and he was able to go on with the scar of defeat again at the hands of his mentor. Yet, it would be alright. He knew Reno was the only one to defeat him, and so was the penance for having defeated Reno so long ago.

Months passed, and there had been conflict in the MGA Heirarchy. Many people feared both Vlad and Reno, and the heads of MGA conspired in secret against the two. However, Reno and Vlad crashed this party. They busted in the meeting, and mopped house. The two came to show Cid and Aya their place in life, and eventually came to be rivals of sorts. Aya and Reno grew apart, and it was at this time when Vlad would help Reno murder his wife. Vlad soon became hooked into a small circle of people, and even helped the turk Elena against her boss. For this, he was summarily executed, but brought back. He felt betrayed, and even plotted to kill Elena himself. It was disregarded though. He soon became acquainted with Rucia Branwin, whom he fell for after a few weeks. The two were together for quite some time, romantic evenings spent out in an open field. Even the physical bashings she gave him didn't discourage him for quite some time. They eventually drifted away, though, and broke.

A moron appeared in the midst of many other people. This one was named Dakero. Dakero had been a threat for some time.. until Vlad came in again. Dakero and Vlad faced off, and with the help of his trusty blade, Vlad tore out Dakero's heart. Vlad ate Dakero's heart, and proclaimed the man dead forever. Vlad's brother, Kazu, showed up soon after this.

Vlad and Kazu became great friends, as they were brothers. Kazu and Vlad helped each other whatever way they could, and so they each became a deadly force. But one day.. Kazu disappeared. What happened to him, no one knows.

While under equal opportunity, Vlad was influenced by many people to join their side. He came under the side of "TU" the guild led by Artea Kalanin. During this time, he was part of an attack against a coastal town. Taking down a boat by himself, he became bored. Eventually he left TU to come under NPA, where he and an old fighting partner met up again. Cenozos. Eventually, he left that as well.

Vlad had become a superpower by this time. He had an affair with a certain Purple haired girl, but it only lasted for a few months. After this time, Vlad had left on a journey that would change him. Deep within the mountains, Vlad had found a wizard. The wizard assaulted the Kyuujin, who in turn, killed the wizard. However, he had been caught in a trap. His body and soul had been split into two beings. One was Vlad.. the other was Daichi. For nearly a hundred years, Vlad was kept apart, and in this time, he became a much colder person. His life had been spent skipping around from company to company, leading his own, taking life in stride and confusion. No one could touch him though. None except for Reno. Who did not. Finally.. Vlad found his double. Of course, that double was devoured, and Vlad came back together.

This time, he was claimed by a woman, Mai Youboshi. Apparently, Vlad's other half had loved the woman, and so Vlad was harboring the same feelings. Since he and Daichi were identical, she claimed him after he devoured Daichi. Vlad became more emotional as his family began to emerge. He now had a sister, and three brothers. He killed two of them, and let the others live. Vlad drifted away from his current employment, and met up with a man that everyone knew. Maverick Frost. He was taken in under contract as a mercenary for Maverick, and is now under the mans employment. Vlad has received rumor of a powerful weapon in a cave far off. He left immediately, and now will be on route to get the weapon.

Well, it wasn't easy for the Kyuujin after that. Him and Mai had summarily ended their betrothal, and soon enough he'd found himself caught in a trap. A wizard had dastardly cast him into an efernal, abyssal hell along with the Wyvern, which was the weapon he'd saught and found. Oddly enough, he had not died.. just was lost for a very.. very long time. He fought his way through countless monsters and people before he came back from the dead. He was lost now, though.. and no clue where he was.. He'd just have to find his way back now. - 1/13/04