- Combat -
This is the most basic system to create, I think. In this section, you find the rules about
the combat system, and how to use it to what ends. There is small instruction in dice roll
and as always, I will leave you the opportunity to RP with me and I shall teach you how
to combat. It's easy, really. After you've got your race down, you are given dice. You start
at d20 and work your way up. fighting along the way. Here is an example of a decent attack.

::Drizzt had launched himself forward, the Orc now caught offbalance. One quick
flick of twinkle's razor-sharp blade, and the Orc bled from it's open throat, falling
and convulsing. Drizzt moved on.::

Then you would roll your dice..
You type the following string where you would put text into a chatroom.


Something like..

Online Host:    Drizztt DoUrden rolled 4 90-Sided Dice: 90 90 90 90

The damage, being valued at 64 Dmg, would be done to the Orc. Naturally, the orc
would die from that because it didn't have enough HP. But if it did, the person who
controls the Orc, must RP out his surviving the hit however he may seem fit. Be a 
tad realistic though. Below, I have posted a table of dice and their damage values.

1-14 = 0 | 15-19 = 1 | 20-24 = 2 | 25-29 = 3 | 30-34 = 4 | 35-39 = 5 | 40-44 = 6
45-49 = 7 | 50-54 = 8 | 55-59 = 9 | 60-64 = 10 | 65-69 = 11 | 70-74 = 12 | 75-79 = 13
80-84 = 14 | 85-89 = 15 | 90 = 16 | 91 = 17 | 92 = 18 | 93 = 19 | 94 = 20 | 95 = 21
96 = 22 | 97 = 23 | 98 = 24 | 99 = 25 | 100 = 26

During combat, there may be times where you are unsure of who to attack at that
moment, or maybe you want to attack more than one person. These are known as
Randoms and Splits. A Random or Split must be stated before the roll is given, and
can only be used in combat that has more than two people. A random is called an 
R/A, for Random Attack, and S/A means Split Attack. When using random attacks
you must total the number of people you are fighting, and roll 1d that number. You
then just go down the list and plug it in according to the scoreboard. Simple, isn't it?

An S/A is a little different. Let's say, me, Drizzt.. wanted to strike 3 orcs at once. Well
what I would have to do is state it OOC, as must be done with every S/A and R/A. I
then procceed with the attack. Now, because I am 3d, I can choose to divide up the 3
dice however which way I please. I am striking at 3 orcs, or I roll 1d my dice 3 times.
The way this is scored by the order in which the attack is stated. Make sure you state
specifically who it is you are attacking, as well. Any questions further, contact

As there is combat, so also is there the system of health and whatnot. In this
forum, we've adopted a system of HP/MP that seems to be fair to really anyone.
It is one that involves little effort to figure out. If you are 2d.. you will start with
20 HP, and 40MP. If 4d.. the opposite. Blended races are given a unique start as
well. So if your dice are 2d/4d 3d/4d/ 2d/3d or whatever, it's also different.

Starting HP/MP:

For a 2d = 20HP and 40MP
For a 3d = 30HP and 30MP
For a 4d = 40HP and 20MP
*For a ?d = 50 HP and 10MP*

** = Blended dice. 2d/3d 2d/4d 3d/4d and whatever else similar to it.

The way to gain in HP and MP is for you to fight and to RP storylines
to gain Experience Points. Below is the table to show advancement for

For a 2d = 1HP 2MP every 1000xp
For a 3d = 2HP 2MP every 1000xp
For a 4d = 2HP 1MP every 1000xp
*For a ?d = 3HP/3MP every 1000xp*

** = Each 1000xp, they may choose only 3HP OR 3MP, not both. They
must remain permanent decisions. Do not attempt to cheat, as you may
just as easily be caught if we keep track of you from time to time.

To consider your race options, simply click *Race* on the
Main Page.