Classes |
Ahh.. it's finally time to cover the classes section. In this section, you'll be looking at detailed class descriptions, information, requirements(If Any), and all their skills mapped out. Before we get onto that, when you choose a class, it does not permanently become one class. You may gain levels in other classes as you wish, so long as you follow the Multiclass rules explained in the charter(if not now it will be up some time, when I get the chance.) And one more thing I want to explain. Each skill must be stated before it is used, and as long as they follow the terms of whatever match they are used in. It must be featured in the log before you make the attack or attempt to do it, then you may do the skill. At the end of your action, roll your forum dice. Then, there will be a number attatched to that skill, which will be called HtC.. Hit to Connect. If your total points from your roll equal or surpass the HtC, the skill is successfully used. To be fair, the HtC will be halfed for all 2d users, to help balance their weakness. You get 50xp per successful skill use. Example: Drizzt has Quick-Slash, a Ranger class skill which allows him an extra attack every 50k xp. The HtC for this skill is 20 for a 3d. Drizzt is 3d47. ( Using Ranger Skill Quick-Slash, allows 1 extra attack every 50k XP. XP: 3807 #att: +0 ) Online Host: Drizztt DoUrden rolled 3 47-sided dice: 47 47 47 ( 21/20 success! ) Of course, then you'd make the attack. Since Drizzt Doesn't have 50k exp yet, he doesn't get an extra attack anyway. It's that simple. And now, on with the classes. |
Ranger Summoner Marksman Warrior Wizard Priest Elementalist Rogue Assassin Guard Return to Main |