Jin Saotome v.s. Evil Ryu

Clark: Welcome to Friday's Special Showing of SMASH! Our First Match Is Ryu v.s. Jin Saotome....Jin is a newcomer to the AEW who will be facing the 6-0-1 Ryu! In Saotome's career he has been an intergalactic Champion at the UCTF... This Match will be in an Exploding barbed Wire Cage Match!

Just as the Security Guards Rigge the C4 to the ring a Sound is Heard over the titantron...

Dong!......Dong!......*Hell's Bells By AC/DC begins to play loudly and Flames ignite the entrance way, a Large Explosin is heard and Ryu steps out into the Entrance Way..*

Clark: WOW! It's Ryu! He Looks pumped!

Will: And Here comes Jin Saotome!

*Kamikazi Killer flashes across the 'Tron and Jin's Tunes start as he steps out looking Hardcore as ever.....He makes his way to the ring and He and Ryu go to their corners*

Clark: Here We Go!

*Jin rushes at ryu and Clotheslines him to the Mat, Ryu pops Back up and Grabs Jin from Behind And shirt-slams him ass-down...Jin bounces back up in a rage and begins elbowing Ryu in the Face...he sends ryu to the corner as he begins bleeding furiously from the cut wounds from the wire...Jin Pounces on Ryu in the corner and starts stomping on his face....Jin Picks Up Ryu and Throws him into the wire and BOOM! some explosives go off sending ryu into the middle of the ring...*

Clark: .....That hurt......poor ryu....

*Battered and Bruised Ryu gets back to his feet...he side kicks Jin in the Mouth and Spears him to the mat, Ryu then Picks Jin up and Roundhouses the Side of his head sending Jin to the mat face first, Jin gets back on his feet and wipes his bleeding nose, with a discusted look on his face he kicks at Ryu who grabs his foot abd Flips Him to the floor, ryu follows that up with a leg-drop to Jin's Face, he then picks Jin back up and begins to speak to him*

Ryu: Jin...This is for all the Bullshit you've given the AEW so Far....all you've done is gone into the Forum and talked shit on everybody alive....you interfered with their personal lives and spoke lowly of them all in public!....Now I will finish you once and for all!

Jin: *exteneds his middle finger* F*** you too...Bastard Ryu...*spits in ryu's eyes*

*Jin kicks Ryu in the face and then sends him face first to the mat, Jin then picks ryu up and gives him a Running-Power Bomb into the wire Causing an Explosin that sends both fighters flying, Ryu gathers himself first and Grabs Jin up, He then Cahrges Up his Hands and Blasts Jin into the wire with a furious hadoken Blast...Jin lays there, bleeding.... ryu walks to him and Picks him up again Ryu begins Kicking him with his Tatsumaki-Sempu-Kyaku attack sending Jin back into the wires...as jin lays in a heap in the wires Ryu walks Out of the ring to go prepare for his encounter with Adiemeus and Garlon.....*

Clark: I guess Jin wins....but why did Ryu leave so early?

Winner- Jin Saotome