Updated by Alovea 1/16/2000
Wizards of War: Unity and Knowledge
GoA home page can be found at: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Labyrinth/9535/
We also have a list.bot for discussions and information that you will be provided the address of upon membership.
Hello! If you are reading this guide, you are probably wanting information about the Guild of Augurers. If you are already a member, then you probably already know this.
Welcome to the Auggie Guild!. We are a friendly group of Augurers that prides itself on togetherness and team spirit. Since being a member of any team requires following certain rules and modes of conduct please familiarize yourself with our rules and regulations. You will be expected to know and abide by them if you become a member. All current members should read this guide from time to time as well to ensure that they are familiar with what is expected of them as GoA members.
If you are interested in applying to the Guild please type and look for an Induction Team member, they will have in their title, and inquire about an interview. If no IT members are online you may contact a leader or post a note in on the recruitment room note board indicating your interest. The current application requirements are posted on the note board in the recruitment office.
An Augurer is by simple definition self reliant. In the Guild of Augurers we strive to be both self reliant and interdependent. We are united in war and strong by our magic. We can easily survive on our own, yet in the Guild our first and foremost concern is that we help one another. An Auggie in need is an Auggie you feed. We are proud to stand undressed while our sister or brother wears our most cherished piece of equipment, because we are a TEAM. If that sounds like the kind of Guild you would like to belong to, we welcome your application!
We do have a few important rules for conduct within the Guild. Any violation of these rules is grounds for discipline at the discretion of either the Guild Master/Mistress, Guild 1st, or Guild 2nd. The punishments possible range from a simple warning to being put on probation, being outcast, or whatever the attending leader(s) believes is appropriate. If you witness a violation of an important rule, please report it to a leader as soon as possible. If you wish to say anything to the person violating a rule please politely remind them of the rule(s) that they are violating (this is after all, in the GoA spirit). But do Not begin an argument or make any type of threat. If your advice goes unheeded, as soon as possible report the behavior to the Leader/1st or 2nd of the Guild. In extreme situations and when a guild leader is unavailable you may consult an imm. However, GoA is committed to enforcing the rules internally and we prefer to handle these kinds of issues within the guild so that any misunderstandings can be straightened out. We know mistakes happen, we make them too. Just work with your leaders and they will work with you!
Beyond that our rules simple and easily followed. These include the basic rules of the Realms which will not be repeated in this guide although you are expected to know and follow them. If you need more clarification on these rules, please type 'help rules'.
These are the rules to follow as a member of the Guild of Augurers:
1. All GoA members are expected to show respect to immortals, any disrespect to any immortal,or disregard for their instructions will be dealt with as considered appropriate by Guild Leaders and/or Immortals.
2. Use of profanity is prohibited in the Guild, on the Guild note board, or on Guild talk.
3. Read the Guild note board. It will contain important information that you will need to know. Maybe even fun stuff like runs or contests!
4. Items sold in the Guild store are for Guild members only. Do not give,
sell, auction or transport them to non-guilded characters. If you happen
to see a Guild item on auction, send a tell to an immortal explaining that
it is a Guild item and ask that they stop the auction. If you need more
clarification on these rules, please type 'help guild rules'.
5. Do not abuse the Donation Room. This means do NOT take items from it for your alts. Do NOT auction items or Midas items. To do any of the above is considered stealing and will be dealt accordingly.
6. On guild quests you are expected to follow all rules. GoA Auggies Don’t Cheat! Any cheating will be considered grounds for expulsion.
7. Do not join Guild of Augurers for equipment runs only. Share your knowledge, share your friendship.
8. GoA Participates in Inter guild Quests from time to time. These quests are fun and available to a variety of levels. Please follow the rules for each individual quest.
This is the Guild store and provides mana potions (achromics), containers (patchwork pouches), food (roasted quail) and other items for your convenience. These are here for use by Guild members only! You may share potions or food with others when on a run in times of dire need, just use your common sense as to what is appropriate.
If you are unsure of these rules, please read 'help guild rules'.
This room holds Tragenela, our sacred healer who casts bless, armor, heals curses, blindness and wounds. Please feel free to make use of this room as needed.
A note board has been placed in this room for use by all Guild members. Your ideas and questions are welcome here. You may use the note board to post notes with your concerns, questions, requests for information, or with information you feel will be useful to other Guild members. From time to time notes will be posted by others that will request your vote. Check the board frequently.
Going up from the Plank of Musing will lead you to the Kinship of the Guilds, where you can meet with members of other guilds. From time to time quests are held there and/or meetings that may interest you.
This room is the Guild donation room, consisting of a chest for items level 0-35 and a crate for items level 35-and up. You may take any item that you need from this room. You may also place items the containers for use by fellow Guild members. There are a few rules concerning items left in this room that we ask you to adhere to.
1. Please do not take items in this room for use by your non-guild
characters or any other player that does not belong to the Guild of
Augurers. These items are for Guild members, please remember this.
2. Please do not leave anti-mage items in this room. This defeats the
entire purpose of this room as no one who has access to this room
will be able to use the item and it spams our containers.
This is a room where Guild members may rest, relax and have a drink of
the local Augurer specialty, wine or whisky, whatever is your choice!
This room is growing young Guild members to practice their new skills and
spells when they level! The only thing that may not be learned here is languages. You
must still return to the Darkhaven Academy to learn those.
Remember, being a member of the Guild of Augurers is not for everyone. We are hopefully you will consider it carefully and make your choice after much self reflection, in the true Auggie fashion. Whatever your choice - within GoA - you will always be heard, as we never turn away help to a fellow Auggie!