





                       No one holds command over me.

                                 No man.
















No one holds command over me.

No man.

No God.

No King.

What is a claim of age for ones who are immortal?

What is a claim of power for ones who defy death?

Call your damnable hunt.

We shall see who I drag screaming to Hell with me.




-          Gunter Dorn, Das Ungeheuer Darin







"But thou shalt flourish in immortal youth,
Unhurt amidst the wars of elements,
the wrecks of matter
and the crash of worlds."



-                    Joseph Addison






"It is better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven."


-                Milton, Paradise Lost












Obfuscate -  Allows Eskhatos to appear invisible to a foe for a short matter of time.


Demonic Influence -  Eskhatos momentarily takes control of his enemy’s thoughts and ideas, forcing them to do harm upon themselves…although powerful, it is a very taxing maneuver.


Malefaction -  A purely evil attack, Eskhatos attempts to remove his enemy’s soul by jamming his fist down their throat.


Decaying Touch -  Placing his hand over the chest of an opponent, Eskhatos rapids the aging process and forces their bodies to decay before their very eyes. (More of an illusion than anything, yet still quite painful)


Shocking Grasp -  Eskhatos grabs an opponent and causes a rapid change in body heat, forcing them into shock.


Mordacity -  Basically a supercharged death valley driver.


Amoeba Slam (Finisher 1) -  Eskhatos splits into 2 identical forms, of which begin a series of double-chain suplexes that last until the opponent is unconscious and/or dead.


The Shattering (Finisher 2) -  Using energies channeled to him by Hastur, the unspeakable.  Eskhatos begins a floating ascent to the top of the arena (opponent in-hand).  Once to the peak, Eskhatos  changes the gravity within, propels himself toward the arena floor opponent-first, ending in a huge collision.




Age:  Was resurrected 4 years after the “Shattering”, actual age Unknown


Weight:  515lbs


Height:   6’11”


Style:  A high-powered melee assault taught by the Demon Prince, Orcus





From deep within the Mire Swamps, a tendril of black lightning struck the top of the Tower of Despair…  This signified that the Demon Prince had finally succeeded in summoning the creature he would need to finally rid himself of the Goddess Ae’nnar.   This creature was known as Eskhatos, an ethereal being formed by the hand of Hastur, the unspeakable.


Ae’nnar was the head of the Arcana Eviae, an order of gods and goddesses formed to protect the land of Darkhaven from all who sought out it’s destruction.  Ae’nnar and her paladins protected Darkhaven from many a projected onslaught…defeating the likes of Vlar’scht, Lord Seth, and Azrakare.


Darkhaven had lived in peace for many years, but on one fateful day a prophet calling himself “Tyrax” appeared.  Tyrax spoke of an unfathomable evil, and a time that would signify the end of not only Darkhaven, but also Ae’nnar herself.


What Tyrax had mentioned was true, and after 13 days mysterious creatures began assembling in the Mire.  On the 15th day these creatures, led by Orcus invaded the lands.  They destroyed the city, and took refuge in Ae’nnar’s own fortress.  Ae’nnar, forced from her home went into exile, along with her order of Paladins.


This time was known as “The Shattering”, and Ae’nnar needed nearly 3 years to pull herself and the citizens of Darkhaven together again.


Ae’nnar gathered her Paladins on the outskirts of Darkhaven, leaving her warders to protect her new haven.  The forces of good began their invasion of the city, and after 2 long months the siege was complete.


The Demon Prince was infuriated by this, and returned to the Tower.  Here is where he would bring forth Eskhatos.  Little would he know, this demon would overcome him on that very moment.