Langtoly ordertalks 'Jarrok did you win the pk?' You ordertalk 'yes' Langtoly ordertalks 'oh, my thief was ready for you' You ordertalk 'let me see him' Langtoly ordertalks 'gallery' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > The Gallery of Sanguis Smooth stone walls rise up from polished marble floors to disappear into the shadows far over head. Large stained glass murals are sunk at even intervals into the northern wall, creating a shelf where miniature statues and paintings rest. A hushed silence prevails along the corridor lending it a nearly holy feel. The once striking beauty of this place is marred by the thick film of dust that covers everything and the cobwebs that cling to darkened corners. A small fire burns behind the stained glass murals which causes the surprisingly malevolent renderings to flicker with life. Exits: east west (Invis) Glaxipi DeVir, is the monster in the darkness is hovering here. < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >l gla Glaxipi looks to be about 8'7", and looks to be around 432 pounds. His shoulder length, raven black curly hair grotesquely frames a full beard, a large mustache and long sideburns. His dark green skin creates a disgusting match with his brown eyes. Glaxipi has a few bruises. Glaxipi is using: the sigil of Taboo (Red Aura) (Humming) Set's ring of Power (Red Aura) (Humming) Set's ring of Power (Red Aura) Collar of Abyssal Servitude (Red Aura) Collar of Abyssal Servitude Ancestral plate of Clan BloodRose the shade helm obsidian leggings (Red Aura) (Humming) chains of imprisonment (Red Aura) Inescapable Grasp of Doom (Red Aura) a strand of polished jade (Red Aura) A shroud of darkness a girth of mangled hide an obsidian bracer (Humming) a shadowy, coiled cobra (Red Aura) Lifebane (Red Aura) Lifebane (Red Aura) Demonic Whispers Eye of the Raven a blue, glassy chain a blue, glassy chain You peek at his inventory: Skin of the Innocent < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >nod You nod solemnly. < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi reports: 1415/1650 hp 604/596 mana 328/271 mv 88260230 xp. < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >report You report: 1904/1884 hp 25/60 blood 636/646 mv 176493959 xp. < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'i am missing my bliv' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >nod You nod solemnly. < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'and my banner' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >say I am missing my boots You say 'I am missing my boots' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'and yes i circle with underscores' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'even like this' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >rem blaster You stop using Darkfire blaster. < Geanrak <1904/1754> <25/60> >rem blaster You stop using Darkfire blaster. < Geanrak <1904/1624> <25/60> >wear blas You wield Darkfire blaster. < Geanrak <1904/1754> <25/60> >wear blas You dual-wield Darkfire blaster. < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >wink You wink suggestively. < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'though the dfb's underscore too' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >say I melee with underscores :) You say 'I melee with underscores :)' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi wonders 'but wrath is a fuck ain't it?' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >say In the end, It was Me v.s. Jin You say 'In the end, It was Me v.s. Jin' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >nod glax You nod in agreement to him. < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'and with tumble and shit' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'you only hit 1ce or twice a round' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >say it'd of been a good match You say 'it'd of been a good match' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >say But Taanzzylight was a bigger thief than you, I think You say 'But Taanzzylight was a bigger thief than you, I think' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >say 1730hp 129dr You say '1730hp 129dr' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'i pk a lot though' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >who baa Avatar Xardellion de Winter. (Baali) Avatar Tannzzylight SethSleigher rains doom down upon his Lord.. (Baali ) Avatar Geanrak says 'Fat little parasite, suck me dry'. (Baali) Avatar [AFK] Zenobia: God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts. (B aali) Avatar Vesnske rusts in peace. (Baali) Avatar [AFK] Aenikath: scratch my face with anvil hands. (Baali) Avatar Dravidian says 'hows your faith, hows your f**king faith?'. (Baa li) Avatar Azhdeen Somniambula corrupts your dreams. (Baali) Avatar Zeekor Pur D'Ame [JLD]. (Baali) Avatar Seplar UnDestre [Metal Militia]. (Baali) Avatar Rakasha Shadowfire. (Baali) Avatar Langtoly DeVir, minion of hades. (Baali) Avatar Glaxipi DeVir, is the monster in the darkness. (Baali) 13 players. < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >nod You nod solemnly. < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >eq You are using: the ancient banner of the Clan Dubh Glas (Red Aura) (Humming) Set's ring of Power (Red Aura) (Humming) Set's ring of Power (Red Aura) Collar of Abyssal Servitude (Red Aura) Collar of Abyssal Servitude Hide of the Lycanthrope delirium obsidian leggings Malefaction (Red Aura) a strand of polished jade (Humming) the cloak of Death (Red Aura) A shroud of darkness (Humming) a scarlet red belt an obsidian bracer the curse of life (Red Aura) Darkfire blaster (Red Aura) Darkfire blaster (Red Aura) Demonic Whispers deception a strip of green troll fur a translucent veil (type 'garb' for a list of all wear locations) < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >say next time You say 'next time' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'if i get you first, i disarm and grab' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >say loyal weaps in arena You say 'loyal weaps in arena' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >wink You wink suggestively. < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'i thats right' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'but i disarm gouge' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'so unless you have true all the time' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'that can cause some serious headache' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> >say I was trued the entire fight You say 'I was trued the entire fight' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'I still love my MUTILATE on the druids' < Geanrak <1904/1884> <25/60> > Glaxipi says 'through sanc'