Here is a list of some other books by J. R. R. Tolkien and my personal evaluation of the ones I have read, Plus! You can buy any of them for a great price from
In Association with
The Lord of the Rings:
Volume one: The Fellowship of
the Ring (Published in Oct. 1954 U.S.)- If
you liked The Hobbit then you will love this series. It starts out a little
slow but gives you a lot of background that sets the stage for the rest
of the series. It also tells you what happened to the characters in The
Hobbit. There is a great deal of the history of Middle Earth explained
in this one.
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Volume two: The Two Towers (Published
in Apr. 21 1955 U.S.)- An
excellent continuation of the story as it leads to its end. You will still follow Frodo and Sam as they journey to destroy the ring. And the introduction of the Ents a race of living trees! There is still lots of adventure going on that keeps you enthralled with the story.
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Volume three: The Return of the
King (Published in Jan. 1956 U.S.)- This is the final story that tells of the destruction of Sauron and what happens to the characters involved. Its ending was done so well that I was sad to see some of the characters leave Middle Earth at the end of the third age in Middle Earth. But it made the whole story complete. This last book if you have the right edition has an excellent appendix that tells more details about Middle Earth, characters and races.
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The Silmarillion
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Unfinished Tales
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Book of Lost Tales Part 1 - Just started this one, so far it isn't as good as the Lord of the Rings. To many names and places. The Book takes place long before The Hobbit. Giving a history of the beginning of Middle Earth.
Book of Lost Tales Part 2
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Poems and Stories
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
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Finn and
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Smith of Wootton Major
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Farmer Giles of Ham
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The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
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Mr. Bliss
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There are many other books written by other authors about Middle Earth I have a small list here of some of those books.
The Tolkien Companion
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Tolkien Beastery
An excellent book a must have for any fan of Tolkien! Lots of great art and a wealth about the history of Middle Earth. The book is similar to an encyclopedia with every major place,character and event that Tolkien ever wrote about.
If you have any comments or links about these books just email me and I will include your comments on this page.