OK, I'm a lazy bastard, so this site hasn't been updated in ages. Maybe one day it'll actually have... what do you call it, again?
Content! Right...

So... here's me.

From left to right:
Surprise shot, Formal, June 2000; Posed shot at table, Formal, June 2000; Frosh Leader Interview Picture, February 2001

If you want to contact me:
Email: selbourn@hotmail.com
MSN: selbourn@hotmail.com
AIM: selbourn
ICQ: 40390479

Or you can check out my LiveJournal.

Want to see my current desktop?? Click here!

Ooh! Ooh! How about my WinAmp playlist?? Click here!

So since I'm lazy... here's a few links, just for fun.