
Prodigal- Xander's preeemptive curiosity leads him to discover a secret. PG-13

Exodus- Someone's secret exposes Buffy, Angel, and Xander's love triangle, and the consequences may prove fatal for one of them. Sequel to "Prodigal" PG-13

Exodus part 2- Angel weighs his love's past and future to make a decision about his own role in Xander's life. NC-17

Nightscape- An extremely dark story dealing with the durability of relationships when confronted with outside forces. Warning- this story is so very intense, you may not want to read it if you are weak stomached. NC-17

Nightscape 2a Nightscape 2b- Second part, the vampire who's spent a good portion of eternity causing evil must now fight the evil that threatens to destroy his lover. Same warning as for part 1. Seperated due to loading time and length. NC-17