The List
The List

What is "The List", you ask? Well, it is a list of reasons why we like Leo and Laura together. People are always asking why we like them, or telling us to supply reasons to back up our arguments; so here they are!

If anyone has any other reasons why they like L/L together, email them to me.

With Laura, Leo will finally have what he's been craving all his life; a real family. And he will also learn the meaning of true love. Just look at the people he has in his life to look up too:

  • Brother David, though he has shown us a good heart from time to time, still reverts back to his dastardly, evil ways when his back is pushed against the wall. (The Libidizone to try and win new love Dixie's heart and steal her from her husband.)

  • The ever scheming to make a buck, mother Vanessa. She wouldn't know love or the meaning of family unless it had a dollar sign attached to it. (Praising Leo for marrying the dying, yet not quite classy, though still rich, Laura.)

  • Greenlee. All we've really seen from her is selfishness, greed, manipulative tricks, and of course the ever present "green eyed monster". (Pushing Laura off a yacht, under the influence of Libidizone not withstanding, just because she didn't like the way Laura looked at her boyfriend and vice versa.)

To sum it up, Leo needs to be with Laura in order for him to grow and learn. Together neither he nor Greenlee will ever be anything other than lying, backstabbing, scheming, manipulators. Which will in turn make them boring and mundane. Nobody likes the boring and mundane in a soap opera.


I think Laura Allen is a Awsome actress. I know ya'll don't agree-o well, that's my opinion of her. never saw the old Laura so for all I know she was good too but I happen to like Laura Allen's Laura.

Josh, well first off, he's a Hottie!! secondly, I think him and Laura have Tons of chemistry, they say so much with just a look:-)

I like the relationship she has with her mom and her brother. You can tell they really care bout each other and love each other very much. I Loved her little talks with Jamie lately specially:-)

Love her will to live and I don't think it's just becasue of Leo. She has lots of people that love her and lot to live for. Having these health problems have made her realize how precious life really is and she lives each day to the fullest.


They need each other, she needs his strength and he needs her faith in him.

Those looks (her complete love for him and his admiration for her).

Their love story is unexpected.

They're the underdogs and I love underdogs, they have more to fight for.

The unknown, I think if he's with Greenlee, we already know what will happen, with Leo and Laura, anything can happen.

They can learn with each other.


She looks like an everyday girl. Many of you bash her appearance. Well, it's about time that a soap had a regular-looking person on. Not everyone looks like Greenlee or Gillian!

I think Leo really does love her! Not in the way he loved Greens, but in a way that is more tender. I am a sucker for sap too!

I like her chemistry with the others too, like Brooke and Binks.


I see a girl that had nothing she found hope from brooke then she met leo (they had a rocky start) then he grew to care for her, and now he is growing to love her.

All ihave ever seen greenlee and him do was hurt each other that is not a good basis for love.

With laura he is so tender and caring i would love to be in that type of position.


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