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Welcome to the official V-Squad realm where you can get all the information that you ever wanted to know about this up and coming underground hip hop group.

Who are the V-Squad?
Tha V-SQUAD is a Hip Hop group located in D.C.This is an international crew , all five members come from different parts of the globe representin their spots .

The V-Squad is composed of american and french hip hop with some african and reggae flavor. Spawned in 1998 Jassiah , Missozeiram , El Hadji, Doobld , and King Ade came together to represent hip hop in it's purest form. All tracks for the V-Squad are produced by rapper/producer Jassiah .

V-Squad is part of the underground hip hop family  is and also affliated with other underground rappers such as : Jacwes, Bennou, Mc Opium .....
Currently in  the works is the V-Squad's 1st underground album entitled V.I.P. (Vagabonds In Power )which will be for sale on the site so get ready for that

If you work for a record company and would like to come into contact with the V-Squad featured on this web page send me an e-mail and I will provide you with all the information that you need to let the universe experience tha skillz that only a few know about.

Bienvenue a la page du V-Squad ou vous pouvez avoir tout l'information que vous desirez a propos de ce group hip hop underground

Qui sont les membres du V-Squad?
Le V-Squad est un groupe de hip hop localise a Washington D.C. C'est un crew international tous les cinq membres viennent de divers parties du monde.

Le V-Squad est compose de rap americain africain et francais de meme que du ragga. Cree en 1998 Jassiah, Missozeiram , El Hadji, Doobld , et King Ade so venus ensemble pour representer le hip hop dans sa forme le plus pure. Tous les instrus pour le V-Squad sont realises par rappeur/producteur Jassiah

Pour le moment le V-Squad est en train de realiser son premier album underground intitule V. I . P (Vagabonds In Power)

Si vous travaillez pour un label et vous voulez rentrer en contact avec le V-Squad envoyez nous un e-mail et on va vous donner tous les informations necessaires.