Head Blows Cheese

   Nov 4th : Page is fixed -~ ~-
Well its 12:30 am I'm at work and got tired of trying to work so I figured I would fix the sites sinces its been down for like 2 weeks, or since before I went on Vacation. Shit I don't even play UO anymore and I'm fixing the site.. I'm such a nice guy. Ark don't fuck it up this time :P... J/K. Actually some how Tripod deleted the account that housed our page on it, and wouldn't let me recreate it again so I ended up moving the site over to geocities. I don't like the little banners either but hey its free.

Well the site is back up so you peeps can quit Q'ing me asking me whats wrong with it... Always there when ya's need me.


   Oct 13th : I'm bored at work -~ ~-
Well I figured since Ark went and screwed up part of the page that I spend MANY MANY MANY hours trying to make that someone should fix it. Yea I know its a simple page and shouldn't take hours and hours to make but its my first complete page and if you don't like it you can hit ALT-F4 a couple times. Nobody is forcing ya' to read this page.

Ark gimmes an ICQ and let me know what else you dicked up so I can fix it too.


   Oct 6th : We're Back.    -~~-

Although we've never really gone anywhere, CDA hasnt had much of a presence in the town-fighting area lately. Last night we got all of our guys together and ran around killing whoever we could. Mainly it was KoC. We scored 5 of these guys: Vae Victis, Animal, Cthulu, Inferno and Rage. We also had a few random Chaos kills here and there. The highlight of the night was when we jumped a KoC gate in Skara Brae. In that battle we managed to drop 2 KoC, while losing none. They did, however, whoop us a good one in Brit. I wish these guys didnt use blue's to help them out, but hey, it'll be fixed soon.

Last Updated 11/04/99