Jim Bailey's: The Invasion Has Begun: IA Updates
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Invasion America

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IA Updates
Soon to come: More IA UPDATES!!!
Save IA Meetings Every Saturday Evenings at Dragit's Moon Base Chat
6/5/99- FF7 reports she had an IA “sighting” last Saturday. Cartoon Network had about a 20-second advertisement for IA. She said it said something like "The hit series Invasion America, brought to you by Steven Spieldberg, is back," and then proceeded to show several clips. These were scenes she had never seen before – David and Sonia kissing, Doc bleeding, Rafe returning. Oddly, the add showed the WB logo. No time or date was given. FF7 said it happened only once, and she thought it was a fluke, but she was trying to contact CN to find out more. She’s had no success as yet.
6/7/99-Michael Reaves made a remark in his interview on Joe Tracy’s Animation Artists website, saying he’d tell people about Book 2 for a quarter. Jan Thomas emailed him to ask if any information on Book 2 was available. He said that Book 2 had been discussed only, and nothing was written down.
6/8/99- In the IA message boards a member saw a new promo featuring never before seen footage of IA....I am speculating that it was just cut from the first episodes, because the production of Book two hasn't started yet.
6/8/99 Happy Birthday IA: Turns 1 year old...
6/16/99- IA on DVD??? is it a rumor??
6/22/99- Due to the many complaints about "slow" running or "Web page Retardation"...I had to remove the SW quizlet.
6/25/99-IA fans trying to set up interview with Christie Golden....
6/26/99-Fans search Best Buy for IA on DVD...
6/27/99-What Questions do we ask Christie?!?!?!
6/29/99-Fans want more proof!!of that IA sighting..
6/30/99-Interview is setup, 24th in the Save IA chat room, but Gabby7 will post the details on the board.
7/1/99- Fans grow impatient as they wait for IA to return.
7/12/99-IA won't be back...rumor???
7/13/99-FF7 needs pettition holders to send her the pettitions
9/14/99- IA mentioned in the emmys
2/1/00-IA Radio is a go tune in....
2/2/00-IA Mr. Bailey COntest soon to be up
3/31/00-FFVII Rules changes her name to TifaIA
4/1/00-Jim Bailey and David Carter seen in their underwear
4/4/00-Sim joined Titan A.E.'s role playing game on site and making IA ship to advertise IA, you can too
4/9/00-IA theme added to this site (provided by Jason/Dragit)
4/16/00-4 digits and going strong!!
4/24/00-IA Boards added to this site
5/28/00-Background is changed on site (provided by Killashanrda Ooshala)
5/29/00- Credits page added to the site
6/2/00-Site hits the 5 digit mark!!
6/8/00- IA turns 2 years old, It's been a while but IA remains in our hearts.
6/16/00- Titan A.E. hits theaters everywhere, will it bring back IA?
6/28/00-Titan AE suffer big as it is label a money loser, losing about 50 million$ It cost 75 mil $ to make it, but has only cashed in 25 million..
7/26/00-Sign Up For the IA newletter!-JASON/DRAGIT